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(research paper) global warming

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
7페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


미국대학에서 A받은 리포트입니다.


-What is global warming
-What is causing global warming
-How is global warming affecting the earth
-Ongoing debates on global warming

Causes of Global Warming
-natural & human causes
-greenhouse effect
-earth`s orbit/solar activity
-feedback effect
-ice melting

Effects of Global Warming
-melting ice, rise in sea level
-extreme weather
-animal extinction

Debates on Global Warming
-economic effect-good and bad
-human life-good and bad
-volcanic eruptions-good and bad
-human cause-yes and no

-temperature has gone up about 1 degree Celsius in 100 years
-nobody is sure what causes global warming
-nobody is sure what effect it has
-it could be good and bad
-only time can tell what will happen


Global warming is the gradual rise in temperature of the air and water near the earth`s surface. The average temperature of the earth has risen about 1 degree Celsius over the past 100 years. Even though many people believe they know why this is happening, the exact cause is unknown. It could be caused by human activity; it may be caused by natural events, and probably is caused by a combination of the two. Some believe greenhouse gases caused by human activity are the main reason for global warming. Others believe changes in the earth`s temperature or increases in solar activity are to blame. Still others think recirculating, or feedback effects are the main cause. Whatever the cause, what makes us the most concerned is the effect it has on our environment.

참고 자료

The Pew Research Center <http://peoplepress.org/reports/display.php3?ReportID=280>
Smyth, Jamie “UN Urge U.S, China to Lead on Global Warming” Irish Times 19 Nov.2007
Struck, Doug “Carbon-Emission Growth Must End in 7years” The Asian Wall Street Journal 19. Nov. 2007
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency http://epa.gov/climatechange/basicinfor.html
View Point Essay “U.S. Contributes 25% of Worlds Greenhouse Gases; Must Lead In Reduction” Audubon Sep. 2007
Will, George F. “An Inconvenient Price. (The Last Word)(Global Warming Phenomenon).” Newsweek 22 Oct. 2007: Academic One File,Gale, Northern Virginia Community College 19 Nov. 2007 <http://find galegroup.com ezproxy.vccs.edu:/2048/srart.do>
Young Adult Review “Grassroots Organization Are Responsible For Lobbying For Environmental Policies To Reduce Global Warming” Booklist 1 July. 2007


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