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국제통상법 FTA 투자부분 핵심요약 영문 PPT

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
66페이지/ MS 파워포인트
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


국제통상법 FTA 투자부분 핵심요약 영문 PPT입니다. 6개월 동안 집중 투입되었던 많은 팀원들의 산물입니다. 교수님께도 좋은 결과(A+) 받았습니다. 영문 PPT입니다. 시각적인 면도 우수합니다.(PPT양식만 시가 15000원 상당!!!) 한미 FTA 투자부분의 핵심 내용을 국제법 관점에서 요약하였습니다. 신뢰성 높은 국제통상법 자료임을 자신합니다!!!


1. BIT and the KORUS FTA Investment
2. Foreign Investment in Korea
3. Summary of Provisions
4. The Scope of Application
5. Definition of international investment
6. Foreign Direct Investment(FDI)
7. Review of KORUS FTA investment
8. Standpoint of Korea & USA Government, NGO


BIT(Bilateral Investment Treaty)
Definiton : Agreement between two countries for the reciprocal encouragement, promotion and protection of investments in each other`s territories by companies based in either country.
Object : To increase foreign investments and to protect investments established between treaty parties.
Type 1) To protect investments after they are established.
Type 2) To protect also investments prior to their
The Investment Treaty
Does the investment chapter covers investment return, including speculative portfolio investment?
The investment treaty does not protect investment nor guarantees the indemnity from commercial risks, but does so from non-commercial risks.
America’s 2004 Revised Model of BIT
Resolved most of the differences between BIT and FTA investment agreements.
Reinforced regulatory issues regarding to environment and labor.
Pursued clarity on the investment agreement contents.
BIT and KORUS FTA : Investment part
Free Trade Agreement is an agreement that allows designated nations to eliminate regulations on trade such as tariffs, quotas or the restriction on trade amount.
An free competition system that goes far beyond an investment treaty.
The Decreasing Rate of the BIT in the world (%/ a year)
The Decreasing Rate of the BIT in the world (%/ a year)
FDI(Foreign Direct Investment)

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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