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월마트 성공요인(wall mart), 도요타 현대차 swot분석 The goal 분석

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


월마트, 현대차 도요타에 대한 분석 레포트가 주를 이루고
the goal이란 책에 대한 내용에 대해서도 간단히 다루고 있습니다.


1.A. Summarize how Wal-Mart has been successful in the market?
B. Describe how Wal-Mart has achieved a competitive advantage in the marketplace?

2. Perform SWOT analysis of the following companies.
A. Toyota
B. Hyundai-Motor Company
3. After reading “The Goal,” explain the followings with examples.


. Describe how Wal-Mart has achieved a competitive advantage in the marketplace?
1) Based on small city : Wal-Mart was based on small city which is in agricultural region in order to get rid of limitations as a succeeding runner and inferiority in a capital. Samuel Moore Walton believed firmly that discount-stores would be most usual shopping center rather than department stores. So he opened the first discount-stores in Arkansas, 1962. There were two reasons that Wal-Mart thought small cities were more suitable for expanding discount-stores. At first, they judged it was easy to enter the markets because there were little competitions in small cities. Second, they expected they could cover customers who lived in long distant areas if they could sell their products in low price even though they existed in small cities.
In 1980s, as life and living patterns shifted from urban places to rural town, strategies of Wal-Mart could become successful.
2) 3 marketing principles of Wal-Mart
① low price : Appointments and efforts of Wal-Mart to provide high-quality products in low price through various methods like ‘continual cost management, clear corporate cultures, collaborations with suppliers and utilization of advanced technology’.
② continual store management : Wal-Mart makes customers buy any products they want whenever they want to purchase them.
③ customer services : It is the primary principle and symbol of Wal-Mart. The saying “customers are always right” explains this principles well.
3) Concentration on logistics : To sell in a lower price than his competitors, efficient delivery systems are essential. So Wal-Mart takes basic strategies that Wal-Mart directly manages supply of products and logistics. Wal-Mart judged making his own distribution routes is the only way to have reliable and efficient routes securely. So Wal-Mart constructed the first delivery center in 1969. And when they open a new store, they consider at the point of efficient delivery of products. If delivery efficiency is not good in one place, Wal-Mart don’t open a store if the place is good for selling products.
4) Common ownership of all information : A real potential energy of Wal-Mart is its information system that sustains its immense numbers of stores and huge selling. In 1983, Wal-Mart made his own satellite which enabled all parts of Wal-Mart to exchange informations quickly. And Wal-Mart established information systems which could analyze patterns of consumers and show all sales data. These informations are also opened to his suppliers. Suppliers can expect the tendency of sales and exchange information or opinion through these information systems.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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