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[discourse analysis] discourse marker well 의 분석

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6페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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영어담화분석 과목 시간에 담화표지(discourse marker)를 하나 정해서 text를 정해 그 속에서의 쓰임새를 분석하라는 레포트입니다.
레포트는 영어로 작성되었습니다.

주석 등 출처를 꼼꼼히 밝혔습니다.

Study on discourse marker “Well” in question-answer pairs.


title : Study on discourse marker “Well” in question-answer pairs.

I. Introduction and Methodology

II. Previous Analysis of “Well”
(1) What are discourse markers?
(2) Approaching “Well”

III. Analysis of Data
1. Function (i) : “well” to provide minimal answer before details
2. Function (ii) : “well” as an avoidance of answer
3. Function (iii) : “well” as a substitute for answer in yes/no question
4. Function (iv) : “well” when dealing with FTAs
5. Function (v) : “well” as an introductory phrase for WH questions

IV. Conclusions and Implications
1. Quantitative analysis on “well” in the script
2. Functional analysis on “well” in question-answer situation

V. References


I. Introduction and Methodology
This paper aims to find out functions of discourse marker “well”, particularly in question-answer pairs. “Well” is a discourse marker (hereafter DM) which is very frequently used and has diverse functions. Therefore, I narrowed my analysis to its functions in question-answer pairs. In order to achieve the goal, I analyzed a script from talk show Larry King Live and categorized functions of “well” occurs in question-answer pairs.


Among many usages of discourse marker “well” , I focused its functions in Question-Answer pairs. The paper proves that “well” indeed functions in various ways. In excerpt (1) and (2), “well” is used as a kind of linkage word between a minimal answer and further details. In except (3), the speaker uses “well” as to avoid giving answer. Further studies on the relevance between question type (yes/no questions or alternative questions) and the function as well as the relevance with topic (politics, etc) are required. In except (4) and (5), the speaker substitutes “well” for “yes/no.” The need for toning down his answer and saving the questioner’s face are the reasons that I inferred for using “well.” In except (6), “well” is used to save answerer’s face. It showed that using discourse marker such as “well” can be one of the face saving strategies. Relationship between discourse marker “well” and FTAs seems to be an interesting topic for further study. Finally, in except (7) and (8), “well” is used as a introductory word for relatively long answer for WH-question. Frequency of this usage in WH-question and other types of question is required to be examined.

참고 자료

Fischer, Kerstin “Validating semantic analyses of discourse particles” Journal of Pragmatics, 29, 1998, p111–127.
Fraser, Bruce “What are discourse markers?” Journal of Pragmatics, 31, 1999, p931-952
Muller, Simon, “‘Well you know that type of person’: functions of well in the speech of American and German students” Journal of Pragmatics, 36, 2004, p1157–1182
Renkema, Jan Introduction to Discourse Studies, John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2004, p 169
Schourup, Lawrence “Rethinking Well”, Journal of Pragmatics, 33, 2001, p1025-1060
Vizicaino, Maria J. G. and et al, “The pragmatics of well and bueno in English and Spanish”, Intercultural Pragmatics, 2-1, 2005, p69–92
“Interview with Donald Trump”, Larry King Live, http://edition.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0710/15/lkl.01.html
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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[discourse analysis] discourse marker well 의 분석
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