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영어회화 스피킹자료

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영어회화 스피킹테스트에서 3명분의 내용으로 적어보았습니다.
외국인 영어선생님한테 좋은 평가 받았던 자료입니다. 2회분량입니다

A: rino B: kyeom C: chang

A: Hi! nice to meet you. my name is rino.

B: Nice to meet you too. my name is kyeom. where are you hometown?

A: My home town is Daegu. Daegu is beautiful city.

B: I think so. Daegu is colorful city. My hometown is Ulsan. Ulsan is also beautiful city.

C: Hi! kyeom. how are you?

B: so so. and you?

C: Me too. Who is he?

B: He is new classmate.

C: Hi! nice to meet you. my name is chang. what is your name?

A: My name is rino. What is your major?

C: My major is Real Estate. Real Estate is very difficult. but, very interesting major. What is your major?

A: My major is Social welfare. My dream is social worker. Because, My father is social worker. He is gentleman. I am respect him. kyeom! What does your family do?

B: My father is a taxi driver and my mother is a lawyer. My brother is a university student. chang! what does your family do?

C: My father is a teacher, and my mother is a house wife. my sister is a high school student. Umm.. I am looking for my backpack. Do you know where it is?

B: What does it look like?

C: It is a black backpack.

B: Look in the bathroom.

C: Really? I don't see it.

B: Look in the bathroom wastebasket.

C: Oh! My god! I don't believe it.

A: Oh! That's too bad. By the way, where is my glasses?

B: Umm... Just a moment. Is this your glasses? some time ago find it on the classroom.

A: Oh!! It is mine! Thank you. You are a kind person. I hope intimate with you. Do you have a girlfriend?

B: No! I don't. I want to make a girlfriend.

A: Tell me about your dreamgirl?

B: She has short, straight, brown hair. She is tall and she is skiny. Just like Marietjie Visser.

A: She is a beautiful woman. But, I think short girl are cute. Chang! Tell me about your dreamgirl?

C: She has short, curly, black hair. She is short and she is over weight.

A: Oh! You are a special guy. By the way, Why is it so noisy outside?

B: Because of our classmates are playing volleyball.

A: What are they wearing?

B: They are wearing red bikini.

C: It is very interesting. Let's go seeing the volleyball.

A: That's good idea. Let's go together.





A : Rino B : Kyeom C : Chang

A : Hi~ Kyeom. How was your weekend?

B : It was great! I went swimming with my friend!

A : Wow~ it could be so fun!

C : Good morning! Kyeom

B : Hey! Chang~ what`s up?

C : I have been late today for english class.

A : When do you usually wake up?

C : I usually get up at six o`clock. but, I overslept.

B : What did you do last night?

C : I played computer-game . It is my hobby.
Kyeom! what do you like to do?

B : I like to swim. my nickname is Jaws. Rino! Do you like to swim?

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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