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[마케팅원론]케이스 분석-IPod(영문)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
16페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


마케팅원론 Term Project Paper입니다.
영강이다 보니 레포트 자체도 영어로 제출하도록 되어서^^;
그래도 도움 많이 되실 거에요~^^


I. Introduction
II. Mission Statement of Apple Computer
Q. 1 - Apple`s mission statement
Q. 2 How company is fulfilling its job?
(1) Product Take-Back and Recycling Policy
(2) Design and the Environment
Q. 3 Alternative or revised version
III. S.T.P Analysis
1. Segmentation
2. Targeting
3. Positioning
IV. External & Internal Analysis
1. Market Analysis
2. Competitor Analysis
3. Internal(Company) Analysis
V. Marketing Mix Strategy
1. Product Strategy
2. Pricing Strategy
3. Marketing Communication strategy
4. Distribution Strategy
VI. Conclusion


MP3 player became `must have` item among Korean youngsters including ourselves during these days. When we go to school and ride a subway or a bus, we can see many people listening to music by MP3 players. Although few years ago, the major portable people carried was `CD player`. We also once had `CD player` and switched into `MP3 player. This might seem not a big change, but MP3 players` invention was sensational because it seduced almost every `CD player` users to buy new MP3 player. At first, we thought that people needed MP3 players because of its convenience compare to CD players. However, the use of broad MP3 player wasn`t just caused by its convenience only, because every product has more than core benefit the product gives. We became curious what factor leaded MP3 player`s broad use, and the concept of `marketing` came into our mind. That`s why we researched about Ipod, the leading MP3 player in the world. Of course, in Korea, No.1 MP3 player is still Iriver, and it seems very concrete. However, since we know much about Iriver, we thought researching Ipod would be more beneficial to us.
As we took this marketing principle class, we learned many things related practical marketing strategy. So we wanted to apply what we learned about marketing to real Apple Ipod`s. This term paper mainly concerns about core concept and strategy by Apple mission statement, STP analysis, external internal analysis, and 4P analysis.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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해피캠퍼스는 구매자와 판매자 모두가 만족하는 서비스가 되도록 노력하고 있으며, 아래의 4가지 자료환불 조건을 꼭 확인해주시기 바랍니다.

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파일의 다운로드가 제대로 되지 않거나 파일형식에 맞는 프로그램으로 정상 작동하지 않는 경우 다른 자료와 70% 이상 내용이 일치하는 경우 (중복임을 확인할 수 있는 근거 필요함) 인터넷의 다른 사이트, 연구기관, 학교, 서적 등의 자료를 도용한 경우 자료의 설명과 실제 자료의 내용이 일치하지 않는 경우

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[마케팅원론]케이스 분석-IPod(영문)
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