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[심리학]maternal attachment

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summary of articles
developmental psychology




Most infants start to speak the word “mama” because it is easy to pronounce, and they usually stay with their mother for a long time. To explain this profound relationship, attachment theory was initiated by a British developmental psychologist, John Bowlby. In his paper “The Nature of the Child`s Tie to his Mother (1958)", he mentioned that infant behaviors such as crying and smiling stimulate caregivers to take care of them. The infants feel reassured, and keep doing their behaviors related to social interaction with their caregivers, so affection and response from caregivers are important for infants in stimulating the social development of children. Later on, Harry Harlow demonstrated that an infant rhesus monkey would choose a cloth mother surrogate whether she had food or not, but chose a wire surrogate only when it offered some food, showing that the young monkey preferred an emotional attachment.

참고 자료

David R. Pederson, Karin E. Gleason, Greg Moran, and Sandi Bento (1998). Maternal Attachment Representations, Maternal Sensitivity, and the Infant-Mother Attachment Relationship. Developmental Psychology, 34(5), p. 925-933

Dario Maestripieri (2001). Biological Bases of Maternal Attachment. Blackwell Publishers Inc, p. 79-83

Harry F. Harlow (1958). The Nature of Love. American Psychologist, 13, p. 673-685

John Bowlby (1958). The Nature of The Child’s Tie To His Mother. International Journal of Psycho-analysis, 39, p. 350-373

Leslie Atkinson, Susan Goldberg, David Pederson, et al (2005). On the Relation Between Maternal State of Mind and Sensitivity in the Prediction of Infant Attachment Security.
Developmental Psychology. 41(1), p. 42–53
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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[심리학]maternal attachment
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