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[스포츠 심리학]steroid(스테로이드)

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effect,side effect of use steroid

following APA style




An ergogenic aid is a substance or technique that is used by athletes to improve their performance in sports and to provide them with an advantage over their opponents (Thein L.A. et al,. 1995). There are five different types of ergogenic aids: psychological, mechanical, nutritional, physiologic, and pharmacologic (Silver, 2001). An example of a psychological aid is hypnosis. An example of mechanical aid is wearing light-weight running shoes (Silver, 2001). An example of a nutritional aid is a creatine supplement (Williams, 1994). An example of a physiologic aid is blood doping, and an example of a pharmacologic aid is an androgenic steroid supplement (Silver, 2001). Ergogenic aids improve performance in a variety of different ways. Blood doping improves an athlete’s endurance by increasing the oxygen-carrying capacity (Silver, 2001). Anabolic steroids can increase an athlete’s strength by increasing one’s muscle mass (Silver, 2001). Physiologic and pharmacologic aids are the ergogenic aids that receive the most attention (Thein L.A. et al,. 1995). In this paper we will be reviewing examples of anabolic steroids and the effects that these have on an athlete’s performance.

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