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Why do we take a self photo? - 셀카 문화에 대한 영문 리포트

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
18페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


소위 셀카 현상에 대한 설문, 인터뷰 포함 분석 영문 리포트.


How we investigated
Relation between the subject area of our class
What is self-camera



 Survey questionnaire
Interview1- a positive point of view toward self-camera
Interview 2- with a negative point of view

Reference list


In this paper, we are going to conduct researches in motives and conditions of self-camera. Why so many people take a self-photo these days as a means of self-expression? for self-satisfaction? To show other people? To cherish memories? Or for personal collection? How many times most people take a self-photo in a week? In what situation they usually take a self-photo? Do people usually take a self-photo when they are alone or together with other people? What people usually use to take a self-photo? A digital camera? Or a cell phone? How they usually pose for their self-photo? If there are people who don`t enjoy self-camera, what is the reason to feel negative about self-camera? We will also investigate how people apply their self-photo in various ways. Nowadays, people also modify their self-photo by using a program called Photo Shop. They make their skin brighter and make their features look good by Photo Shop. Moreover, they upload their self-photo to internet and want other people to comment on their appearance. Furthermore, we are curious about what people want to represent by self-camera. Their daily life? Or elaborated appearance with make-up? What they feel about their self-photo? Satisfy? Of dissatisfy? We are going to synthesize what self-camera means and the standard of beauty in self-camera in the present day. Big eyes? High nose? Small face? Or clean and bright skin? What people usually take care most and which part do they mind most when they take a self-photo? Face size? Skin? Eyes? Certainly, there are some advantages and disadvantages of self-camera. We can have self-confidence and high self-esteem for our appearance through a self-photo and love ourselves. However, we may dont want to admit our real appearance and have an illusion about our appearance.

참고 자료

자기표현의 힘 / 마크 리어리 지음 ; 홍성태 공저
서울 : 더난 , 2003
나를 돋보이게 하는 표현의 기술 / 와시다 코야타 지음 ; 김영숙 옮김
서울 : 현대미디어 , 2002
자기표현력을 기른다 / 카이호 히로유키 지음 ; 손영진 옮김
서울 : 지식공작소 , 2002
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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Why do we take a self photo? - 셀카 문화에 대한 영문 리포트
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