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취업을 위해 인사담당자에게 쓰는 영문편지 및 자기소개

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UNDP의 아프리카 인사담당자 Kennedy 에게 쓴 자기 소개서 / cover letter 입니다
왜 내가 적임자인지 설명하고 있습니다.




Its a great pleasure to have an opportunity to introduce myself to you. I am an applicant interested in UNDP.. My name. I am twenty six years old. I am a senior in Department of the politics and diplomacy at Chung-ang University. And I’m Korean. I have parents and one siter in my family. My father is working for NACF and very active and strict like many other fathers in Korea. My mom has been a housewife and warm-hearted person. My elder sister is Pet Beauty Artist. Next year she will go to the Japan for the study. We are a really happy family and love each other so much. I think that my family`s love has made me as I am.

The reasons I apply for a position in UNDP are as follows. First of all, I have a dream what all african is happy. Last Winter, When I visited Africa, I saw the starve. I want to work for them. Second, This work is really suitable for my aptitude. I have wanted to get a job in UNDP ever since I chose my major in University. Finally, UNDP has been known as the best organization for the human in the earth. I will be able to develop my own abilities and learn a lot from working in UNDP like yours.

My best strong point is that I always approach things around me positively and actively. I think that is the most important thing where I am working. It can make the atmosphere around me and the relationship with my co-workers more smoother. That`s how the works go well without a little problem. I also get along with others very well. I am highly motivated and cooperative, easily being concentrated on work, easily being associated with people. Those things are my power to be an excellent employee in workplace. And when I have a free time, I`d like to listen to music, watch movie and trip.

참고 자료



판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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해피캠퍼스는 구매자와 판매자 모두가 만족하는 서비스가 되도록 노력하고 있으며, 아래의 4가지 자료환불 조건을 꼭 확인해주시기 바랍니다.

파일오류 중복자료 저작권 없음 설명과 실제 내용 불일치
파일의 다운로드가 제대로 되지 않거나 파일형식에 맞는 프로그램으로 정상 작동하지 않는 경우 다른 자료와 70% 이상 내용이 일치하는 경우 (중복임을 확인할 수 있는 근거 필요함) 인터넷의 다른 사이트, 연구기관, 학교, 서적 등의 자료를 도용한 경우 자료의 설명과 실제 자료의 내용이 일치하지 않는 경우

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2024년 07월 20일 토요일
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