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Is there a Future of Outsourcing?

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
12페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


The topic of this paper is outsourcing. It argues that companies should not rely on outsourcing too much. There are three reasons for this argument. First, outsourcing makes employees feel insecure. Secondly, sometimes a company will not see any results from outsourcing. Finally, it is hard for a company to control their subcontractors.


Thesis: Businessman should research into outsourcing for successful business.

I. Introduction
A. Patrick (n.d.), “Outsourcing impact on business, jobs and Issue-
B. Outsourcing is on issue
C. Businesses must be careful when they outsource.
1. Outsourcing makes employees feel uneasy.
2. No guarantee results from outsourcing.
3. Difficulties with subcontractors.
II. Background
A. What is outsourcing?
1. “Outsourcing” (2006) The American Heritage Dictionary
2. “Off shoring” (2006) Webster`s New Millennium Dictionary of
B. History
1. Formally identified as a business strategy in 1989. (A brief
history of outsourcing, 2006)
2. Newly formed service companies started to receive contracts
from business in 1990’s. (A brief history of outsourcing, 2006)
C. Counter argument businesses need to stay competitive
1. Businesses need to downsize for competition with other countries.
2. Americans are losing jobs because of downsize. (A brief history of
outsourcing, 2006)
III. Arguments
A. Outsourcing makes employees feel uneasy.
1. Outsourcing makes employees lose job.
2. Estimates that 3.3 million white-collar jobs will move overseas.
(The outsourcing bogeyman, 2004)
3. Uneasy employees are less productive.
B. There is no guarantee result from outsourcing.
1. John Menzies (2005), “The disasters occur, typically, when … “
2. Businesses must understand cultural awareness.
3. Question summarizing outsourcing in business.
C. Subcontractors can cause difficulties.
1. Subcontractors can steal business products.
2. Quality problem with subcontractors.
3. It is hard to build the relationship with customers.
IV. Conclusion
A. Outsourcing, that is needless system
1. Outsourcing threatened employees’ livelihood.
2. No guarantee results from outsourcing.
3. Not easy relationship with subcontractors.
B. Unnecessary item.
C. The future of outsourcing.


The topic of this paper is outsourcing. It argues that companies should not rely on outsourcing too much. There are three reasons for this argument. First, outsourcing makes employees feel insecure. Secondly, sometimes a company will not see any results from outsourcing. Finally, it is hard for a company to control their subcontractors.
Is there a Future of Outsourcing?
In “Outsourcing impact on business, jobs and economies of wealthy and poor nations,” Patrick (n.d.), explains, “We need to take urgent action to reduce costs. If we don’t run our business efficiently, everyone could lose his or her jobs. People who have entrusted their life-savings to us (mainly pensioners), will go elsewhere” (para.24). In the 1990’s managers started to make dealing with newly formed service company, as a result, outsourcing starts to work inside out of the business and become one of important system of business.

참고 자료

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Dixon, P. (n.d.) Outsourcing impact on business, jobs and economies of wealthy and poor nation. Globalchange.com Retrieved October 4, 2007, from http://www.globalchange.com/outsourcing.htm
Don`t go here (2007, February 19). Snopes.com Retrieved September 30, 2007, from http://www.snopes.com/business/misxlate/nova.asp
Drezner, D. (2004). The outsourcing bogeyman. Foreign Affairs. Retrieved September 29, 2007, from http://www.foreignaffairs.org
Handfield, R. (2006, May 31). A brief history of outsourcing. SCRC.com Retrieved September 30, 2007, from http://scm.ncsu.edu/public/facts/facs060531.html
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Off shoring. (2006, September 26). Webster`s New Millennium Dictionary of English. Retrieved October 4, 2007, from http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/offshoring
Outsourcing. (2006). The American Heritage Dictionary. Retrieved October 4, 2007, from http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/outsourcing
Outsourcing problem (n.d.). Go4customer.com Retrieved September 30, 2007, from http://www.go4customer.com/outsourcing-problem.htm
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Wriston W. (2004, May 6). Outsourcing controversy overlook. CarreerJournal.com Retrieved September 30, 2007, from http://www.careerjournal.com/columnists/perspective/20040506-fmp.html
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Is there a Future of Outsourcing?
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