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IMF(foreign exchange crisis) 외환위기 (영어)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
7페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


At the time, the world has entered non-boundary competition era due to the sailing of WTO (World Trade Organization). It means that the barriers on movement of products between countries will disappear and accelerate economic globalization which can be rephrased as there will be no economical boundaries. Also, the possibility of international financial crisis would decline due to financial globalization. The financial liberalization, open to the world, and an advancement of information and communication technologies would accelerate the unification of world’s financial market leading to abolish the barrier of capital movement between the nations. (서론 앞부분입니다. IMF 당시 정책과 경제 상황에 대한 글입니다)


I. Korea’s Economic Status During Foreign Exchange Crisis

II. Cause of Bringing Foreign Exchange Crisis

III. Developing Process of Foreign Exchange Crisis

IV. Economic Policy Under Kim Dae Joong’s Administration


At the time, the world has entered non-boundary competition era due to the sailing of WTO (World Trade Organization). It means that the barriers on movement of products between countries will disappear and accelerate economic globalization which can be rephrased as there will be no economical boundaries. Also, the possibility of international financial crisis would decline due to financial globalization. The financial liberalization, open to the world, and an advancement of information and communication technologies would accelerate the unification of world’s financial market leading to abolish the barrier of capital movement between the nations.
However, due to the increase of capital movement between nations, the impact of foreign countries could now give a ripple effect to another nation in the world. This type of capital movement is normally faster than product movement which gives no time to the nation to prepare for an impact. When one nation is mostly depended on foreign relation while having fragile international competitiveness can lead to high possibility of nation’s economic crisis just like Mexico or Southeast Asia.

The Cause of Korea’s Foreign Exchange Crisis

I. Korea’s Economic Status During Foreign Exchange Crisis

1. Accumulation of a current account deficit- Our nation’s current account was always been a deficit since the beginning of 90’s. It caused a big drop in international price on semiconductor, steel, car, oil, and chemical which were the chief items of export

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