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영어학개론 요약

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
15페이지/ 한컴오피스
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


An Introduction to English Linguistics의 1~3장 까지의 요약입니다.


1. Signs and Sign Systems 1
1.1 Three Basic Concepts: Sign, Communication, and Language 1
1.2 Signs 1
1.3 Language 2

2. History of Linguistics 5
2.1 The Ancient Grammarians 5
2.2 The Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and the Age of Enlightenment 6
2.3 The Nineteenth Century: Linguistics Becomes a Science 6
2.4 Traditional and Structural Linguistics in the Twentieth Century 6
2.5 Transformational-Generative Grammar 7

3. Morphology 7
3.1 Dictionaries 8
3.2 Classes of Words 8
3.3 Morphemes: The Minimal Units of Meaning 8
3.4 Rules of Word Formation 9
3.5 Word Coinage 11
3.6 Grammatical Morphemes 12
3.7 Morphological Analysis : Identifying Morphemes 14


1. Signs and Sign Systems(기호와 기호체계)
1.1 Three Basic Concepts: Sign, Communication, and Language
1.1.1 Sign: an intersection or relationship of form and meaning(형태와 의미의 교차점)
◉form: concrete(구체적인)
◉meaning: mental or cognitive(인지적인)
ex) ∞, which means infinity,
©, which means copyrighted,
♥, which means love, as in I ♥ New York,
sign, which means an intersection or relationship of form and meaning.
1.1.2 Communication(의사전달, 의사소통)
◉communication: the use of signs(기호의 사용)
◉interpreter: the interpreter adds an aspect or dimension of variability to our understanding of sigh, because different interpreters may recognize different aspects of meaning in association with particular forms, and different forms in association with particular meaning.
1.1.3 Language: specifically the customary sign system of humankind, and here we shall follow this usage.
1.2 Signs
1.2.1 Three Types of Signs
◉There are three types of sings (as recognized by the philosopher Charles Sanders Peirce (1939~1914), which differ according to the three types of relationship that exist between form and meaning: icon, index, and symbol. Icon(아이콘): A sign whose form has actual characteristics of its meaning.

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