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english writing class시간에 쓴 에세이.
When and why do Korean people use the English language?




Language is essential. Language is a primary way that people communicate with others. People may use a common language, although they may come from different cultures. This common language has a way of binding disparate cultures together; in fact, it has a way of creating a new cultural group. This is the case in Korea. Koreans bind together under what one might call an “umbrella” of the English language.
When and why do Korean people use the English language? Let us consider the four following answers. First, we simply do not have certain proper nouns in our language. Examples of proper nouns that are missing in the Korean language are bus, taxi, video, camera and DVD. These words were imported into Korea by the Americans, following the Korean war, Korean people, thus, speak a mixed language, just like people in Los Angeles, whose spanglish [English and Spanish] is as much a part of daily life as sunglasses. Korean people use words borrowed from the English language in a very natural way.
Second, Koreans use the English language when they want to show off. Inserting English words, beyond words such as bus, taxi, and video, i.e., those words for which we have no language, makes Koreans feel superior. This is to say that upon occasion, Koreans, use English words in place of Korean words. One example is the use of the word“reservation those who know this English word use it,

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