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[마케팅전략영문A+] 베스킨라빈스 마케팅전략 분석(Baskinrobbins Cafe 31`s Marketing Strategy)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
22페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


[마케팅전략영문레포트A+] Baskinrobbins Cafe 31`s Marketing Strategy -INNOVATIONS TOWARD FUN PARADISE

동일제목으로 피피티도 있습니다 ^ ^


The Icecream Market in Korea
(1) Historical background.4
(2) Market Size..4
Baskinrobbins and Competition in the Premium Icecream Market4
(1) Customer Analysis
(2) Competitor Analysis..6
(3) Market/Submarket Analysis.8
(4) Environmental Analysis13
(5) Internal Analysis14
Strategic Analysis Outputs: SWOT Analysis14
Creating, Adapting, and Implementing Strategy..15
(1) Product-market investment strategies15
(2) Customer value proposition..16
(3) Positioning17
(4) Functional Strategies based on the 4Ps..17


I. Introduction
Baskin Robbins was founded in 1945 in California, USA by two friends, Irv Robbins and Burt Baskin. What started as two ice-cream parlor became a state-wide franchise consolidated under the Baskin Robbins 31 brand by 1953 (31 representing a flavor for each day of the month). By 1970, Baskin Robbins 31 was expanding outside the USA. It was first launched in Korea in 1985 by Baskin Robbins International. Since then, it has built two factories in Sungnam and Umsung. Baskin Robbins is one of the two brands owned by BR Korea (along with Dunkin` donuts). In turn, BR Korea is a subsidiary of the SPC Group. Other than BR Korea, the SPC Group has three business units: Paris Baguette, Shany and Samlip.[Table 1] Paris Baguette is bakery franchise that is diversifying into the cafe market with Paris Croissant. Shany makes processed bread and pastry for supermarkets and discount stores and Samlip makes more traditional snacks and breads such as the Korean `Hobbang`. The SPC Group is currently a
private company and the only subsidiary listed on the stock market is Samlip. Hence, BR Korea has no obligation to provide financial data. Baskin Robbins has 5600 stores worldwide with 2700 in the USA. However, Korea is the only market where it enjoys number one position with 70% market share and 710 stores nationwide.

참고 자료

Money Today Newspaper <April 17, 2007, Baskin Robbins Open Tenth Café>
Maeil Economic Newspaper <February 2, 2007, New Entrants in Premium Ice Cream Market>
Maeil Economic Newspaper <October 10, 2006, Premium Ice Cream Franchise Business>
Maeil Economic Newspaper <May 13, 2007, Summer Ice Cream Gaining Popularity>
Financial News <April 3, 2007, Premium Ice Cream, the Best Four>

http:// www.haagendazs.co.kr/


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[마케팅전략영문A+] 베스킨라빈스 마케팅전략 분석(Baskinrobbins Cafe 31`s Marketing Strategy)
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