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`Those Winter Sundays` by Robert Hayden

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
4페이지/ MS 워드
가격 5,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Those Winter Sundays라는 시를 읽고 분석 및 저의 개인 경험을 비교한 글입니다.




Robert Hayden’s “Those Winter Sundays” (1962) is reflective of the typical paternal-progenital relationship. It is not difficult to find an analogy between the poem’s message and our domestic relationships. The poem conveys life! My choice of “Those Winter Sundays” is deeply influenced by its congruence with my life experiences. It is a perennial reminder of my filial inadequacies, indebtedness and duties to my parents. In some ways, I deem a lot of families are trapped in that circumstance too- primarily because the parent-child age and mentality differences, and reverential relationship create a communication and emotional divide, making it a challenge for them to resolve their issues.
An ambience of indifference and gloom runs throughout the entire poem, giving it a distinct feeling of misery. Robert Hayden’s piece is a free verse and narrative in that the speaker (a son/daughter in this case) narrates in a regretful tone his indifference and inadequacies as a child. Employing Sundays for the title “Those Winter Sundays” is suggestive of the circumstance when the family has to be together as an aggregate, unified force. There is an overriding religious and cultural reason for taking Sundays as universal rest days. The multiple use of the word cold (2, 6, 11) is meant to imbue the poem with a distinctive flair of gloom, indifference and lack of affection.
The second line, “And put his clothes on in the blueblack cold”, talks about the father putting on a firm, paternal resolve, feigning unconcern to his cold relationship to his child. Unfortunately,

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`Those Winter Sundays` by Robert Hayden
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