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세계화- globalisation and anti-globalisation

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세계화에 관한 정치, 경제 관련 고찰




With the increase of trade among states and the growing number of multinational corporations, as well as international integration on global issues, the world is trending towards globalisation. According to the theorists like Theodore H. Cohn, globalisation is a process that extensively links the societies and states, as well as increases the frequency and intensity of interactions of societies and states throughout the world . Also in the introduction of a book, Globalization and Antiglobalization, globalisation is defined as the process if integrating societies across the world, and their economies and cultures, into one system . In these terms, globalisation appears to be an irresistible and inevitable process that all states and people in the world need to be involved in to be a part of the “global society”. Globalisation, in other words, is a process that fades the boundaries of the nation-state.

In general, ‘globalisation’ refers to the increase in direct investment and the liberalisation and deregulation in flows of capital across borders, technology and services, as well as the creation of a global production system. It is supported by accelerated technological progress, mediated by the growing role of transnational corporations and facilitated by the deregulation and liberalisation of markets all over the world .

However, even though globalisation seems to be today’s general trend, there is a controversy over the concept of globalisation. Generally, those who are for the idea of globalisation believe that globalisation and increased free trade in the world level, along with the privatisation of the public sector will benefit underdeveloped or poorer states and narrow the gap between the rich and the poor in a state, whereas those who are against globalisation strongly disagree to the idea, adding that it may bring a loss of sovereignty to a state, or democratic institutions: globalisation is neither irresistible nor inevitable to them.

참고 자료

Stephanie Lawson, International Relations: Short Introductions, UK: Polity Press, 2003
John Baylis, Steve Smith & Patricia Owens (eds.), The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations (4th edition), Oxford University Press, 2008
Theodore H. Cohen, Global Political Economy: Theory and Practice, New York: Longman, 2000
Henry Veltmeyer (ed.) Globalization and Antiglobalization: Dynamics of Change in the New World Order, Hampshire, England: Ashgate, 2004
Robert Gilpin, Global Political Economy, Princeton University Press, 2001
http://english.donga.com/srv/service.php3?biid=2007040227778, last accessed 8 April 2008
http://me.go.kr/inform/dev/dev03_05.jsp?id=life_06_01&mode=view&idx=162955, last accessed 8 April 2008
Media Release Material of Australian Minister for the Environment and Water Resources on 9 September 2007, http://www.environment.gov.au/media/index.html, last accessed 29 March 2008
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