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Sambia’s male initiation

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최종 저작일
3페이지/ MS 워드
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Sambia의 male initiation에 관한 내용과
sambia의 sexuality와 미국의 sexuality를 비교한 영문 essay입니다.




While reading about Sambia’s custom about male initiation, I could recall some documentary programs on television about tribes’ initiation process. I remember some scenes about initiation process and they seemed to go through physical pain: for example, put on tattoos or piercing their skin. Sambia’s was little different. While some initiation processes that I remember were applying physical pain, Sambia’s was likely to applying the mental pain to the boys. During their initiation process, elders brainwash boys by keep forcing them to go through the process. Elders in Sambia told younger that they will be more masculine through their male initiation. They brainwash boys by telling them if they don’t go through initiation process, they might not able to become strong and climb the trees.
To tell the truth, I got very offended when I read about Sambia’s male initiation process. Even though I know when encounter with other cultures we need to approach with cultural relativism, but I could not accept as their custom as one of the diverse cultures and their unique cultural characteristic. Asian countries are well known with their tendency to taboo about talking sexual context. As I grew up in Korea for twenty years, I also had not exposed sexual context a lot. To me, Sambia’s male initiation processes seem so crucial to little boys. After read about this radically different cultural system, my notion of morality changed more conservative.

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