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주로 한국 시장에 초점을 맞췄고, 나름대로의 전략적 분석과 통계적 분석을 통해 심층적으로 저가 항공사 산업을 이해해보고자 하였습니다.
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What is Low- cost Carrier?
Main consumer of Low- cost Carrier
Low-cost Carrier Business models
Growth model


Future of Low cost airline industry in South Korea

In the future the Korean low cost airline industry will have quite a few potential new entrants to the industry. The threat of substitutes with the entrance of the high speed railway system (KTX) and ferries & boats people use to travel to Japan and China. The new potential entrants to the market are not using conventional strategies of differentiation that Korean Airs or Asiana Airlines used to. They are coming with cost leadership strategies. Cost leaders might have to battle it out their price, or find ways to make their consumers feel they paid less than what they have received in terms of service or time/location for their arrival/departure. Perhaps the latter requires to fully understanding Southwest’s positioning through employee branding for consumer satisfaction.


Other entrants will enter the market soon; Tiger Airways will enter the market as a low cost carrier this year. Also, with the creation of Air Korea by Korea Air, there will be more competition in the Korean airline industry. It will be interesting to see what strategies the airliners will use to achieve success against the other firms. The Southwest of Europe has already risen; one may consider Ryan Air or Easyjet the Southwest of Europe. Who will become the Southwest of Asia? Will it be a Korean Airliner? Or will it be Tiger Air or Air Asia, who have a slightly greater advantage because they have entered the industry using the cost leadership strategy before Korean competitors have. Will the early mover’s advantage give other Asian low cost airlines an advantage? Low cost airlines serve as 20% of all flights in the US and European market, but only about 10% in the Asian market. There is room for growth in this industry which makes it exciting to observe what will happen next. <End>

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