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Mammalian cell cycle control system

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
10페이지/ 한컴오피스
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


Mammalian cell cycle control system에 대한 대학원 리포트 입니다.


Components of the Cell-Cycle Control System
The Control System Can Arrest the Cell Cycle at Specific Checkpoints
Checkpoints Generally Operate Through Negative Intracellular Signals
The Cell-Cycle Control System Is Based on Cyclically Activated Protein Kinases
Cdk Activity Can Be Suppressed Both by Inhibitory Phosphorylation and by Inhibitory Proteins
The Cell-Cycle Control System Depends on Cyclical Proteolysis
Cell-Cycle Control Also Depends on Transcriptional Regulation


Components of the Cell-Cycle Control System

The cell-cycle control system operates much like the control system of an automatic clothes-washing machine. The washing machine functions in a series of stages: it takes in water, mixes it with detergent, washes the clothes, rinses them, and spins them dry. These essential processes of the wash cycle are analogous to the essential processes of the cell cycle—DNA replication, mitosis, and so on. In both cases, a central controller triggers each process in a set sequence.How might one design a control system that safely guides the cell through the events of the cell cycle (or a wash cycle, for that matter)? In principle, one can imagine that the most basic control system should possess the following features:
① A clock, or timer, that turns on each event at a specific time, thus providing a fixed amount of time for the completion of each event.
② A mechanism for initiating events in the correct order; entry into mitosis, for example, must always come after DNA replication.
③ A mechanism to ensure that each event is triggered only once per cycle.
④ Binary (on/off) switches that trigger events in a complete, irreversible fashion. It would clearly be disastrous, for example, if events like chromosome condensation or nuclear envelope breakdown were initiated but not completed.
⑤ Robustness: backup mechanisms to ensure that the cycle can work properly even when parts of the system malfunction.
⑥ Adaptability, so that the system`s behavior can be modified to suit specific cell
types or environmental conditions.

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