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Jane Austen제인 오스틴 Emma엠마와 영화 Clueless클루리스 비교

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가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


Jane Austen 제인 오스틴의 소설 Emma엠마를 바탕으로
영화 Clueless가 만들어졌다는 사실. 아셨나요?

이 레포트는 A+를 받은 과제로
책 뿐 아니라 Jane의 광팬들이 직접 만든 웹사이트에 들어가
자료를 구해서 정성스럽게 썼습니다.

영문으로 쓰여졌습니다.


-Main Issues



These days, a substantial number of films have brought their motifs from preexisted novels. There are always controversial arguments whether the film is well-made by delivering the original texts’ intensions or not, which is better, and how different they are.
The film Clueless (1995) made by Amy Heckerling is based on Jane Austen’s novel, Emma. Since Jane Austen is one of the most famous writers in the world, Clueless was also criticized by many critics. However, for I am not an expert of films or literature, I am going to focus on comparing Emma to Clueless in various aspects, and present some of interesting scenes which emphasize the original texts or vice versa.
I am going to talk about two protagonists in Emma and Clueless, Emma Woodhouse and Cher Horovitz. Both common features and differences are explained. There are some differences from the only minor to the significant (Ferriss in Emma, 436). The transformation of two protagonists is important theme, and it will be discussed. At last, let me explain some scenes I like the most, and felt important to understand the novel and the film.

참고 자료

Austen, Jane. Emma. 3rd edition. London: Norton & Company, Inc, 2000
Heckerling, Amy Clueless. Alicia Silverstone and Paul Rudd. Paramount, 1995.
Karen P. `Some Reactions From Janeites.` Clueless and Jane Austen`s Emma Website.
Internet URL: http://uts.cc.utexas.edu/~churchh/clueless.html
Shannon, Edgar F. Emma: Character and Construction, Jane Austen: Emma, London:
MacMillan & Co. Ltd., 1968
h ttp://www.pemberley.com/etext/index.html http://www.pemberley.com/janeinfo/maclulss.html http://www.uah.edu/colleges/liberal/education/S1998/jennyd.html#Austen`s%20Writing2 . http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Hills/5342/Clueless.htm http://www.pemberley.com/janeinfo/clueless.html http://www.mrqe.com/lookup?clueless http://www.vanderbilt.edu/News/register/Feb12_96/story6.html http://www.pemberley.com/janeinfo/janewrit.html#emma
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