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[교육학/영어교육A+] SBI for Successful English Learning

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[교육학/영어교육A+] SBI for Successful English Learning



Ⅱ.Case studies

Ⅲ.Why SBI?

Ⅳ. Suggestions



Ⅰ. Introduction
When researchers and educators study Second Language acquisition, it is impossible to disregard the age of acquisition. Lenneberg (1967) suggested that the maturation of the brain development determines the proficiency of a language. In his studies, people could figure out that lateralization of brain function is related to the language acquisition; therefore, there is a certain age to learn a language, which is called the critical period. He argued that the language acquisition will be different from after and before puberty, which is about 12 years old. In other words, if someone learns a language before age of 12, he will be same as a native speaker. Johnson and Newport (1989), Birdsong (2000) and many other researchers argued there is a cutoff point in learning a second language. As their arguing points are slightly different, but it is obvious that the sooner is the better for second language acquisition. The graph attached at this page reveals the researchers` result that age of acquisition affects the people`s second language proficiency. Especially, Johnson and Newport (1989) argued people will find a linear decline even though the speakers learned before the age of puberty. Due to the belief that people might learn a foreign language better if they start at a young age, Korean parents tend to make their children go to the States or other English spoken countries nevertheless their children are only elementary school students or even younger.
I would introduce a successful L2 learner through the video clip. This video clip is about Korean American Student Conference; therefore, we could see lots of Korean students who could speak English as well as natives. Moreover, the keynote speaker G.W Lee is really fluent without any hesitations during telling his immigration history.
The beliefs of parents are strong; however, there were some late learners who do not fit into Critical period hypothesis. Even though some speakers had learned the second language after the critical period, they perform just like native speakers. We had said those people "near-natives."
Technological advances were used to criticize Lenneberg`s Critical Period Hypothesis. Kim et al. (1997) had used PET scan to prove that there is no difference in brain activation between early learners and late learners, especially in Wernicke area which is related to the input of the language. In Kim`s article, we could see the overlapped brain area for L1 and L2 regardless of the age of L2 acquisition. The orange part illustrates the overlapped cortex during speaking two different languages. We could assert that people could be a fluent foreign language speaker despite of late age of acquisition if their strategies to learn L2 language are efficient and adequate for him.

참고 자료

1. Johnson J.S. and Newport E.L. (1989). `Critical period effects in second language learning: the influence of maturational state on the acquisition of English as a second language.` Cognitive Psychology 21 (1), pp. 60-99.
2. Birdsong, D. and Molis, M. (2001). `On the evidence for maturation constraints in second-language acquisition.` Journal of Memory and Language 44, pp. 235-249.
3. Kim, K.H., Relkin, N.R., Lee K.M., and Hirsch, J. (1997). `Distinct cortical areas associated with native and second languages.’ Nature 388 (6638), pp. 171-174.
4. 허은. (2000). 영어 학습전략 훈련이 중학생의 학업성취도에 미치는 영향
5. H. Douglas Brown, ‘Principles of Language Learning and Teaching’, Longman, Fourth Edition.
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[교육학/영어교육A+] SBI for Successful English Learning
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