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English 1A, 미 고속도로와 미국문화

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4페이지/ MS 워드
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1950년대의 미국 고속도로의 건설이 미국인들의 생활에 미친영향에 대하여 쓴글입니다.
제목은 Highway and American Lifestyle.
미국에서 English 1A 98/100 받은 research paper 입니다.




Arguably, one distinctive feature of the interstate highway system was that it connected directly between the big cities and the suburban areas, which contributed to the suburbanization in the `50s. The Clay Committee Report, written the Clay Committee, the Eisenhower`s advising group, clarified that the new highway system was aimed in part to facilitate the "suburban living." The report said, "Our cities have spread into suburbs, dependent on the automobile for their existence. The automobile has restored a way of life in which the individual may live in a friendly neighborhood, it has brought city and country closer together, it has made us one country and a united people" (Weingroff 1). Given the benefits of improved mobility largely due to automobiles and highways, the report said, people could pursue a friendly neighborhood which was a suburban life. Through the new high ways, suburban residents more easily commuted to and from the workplace and facilities in the big cities. Thanks to the convenience in commuting, more and more people moved into the suburbia. Stuart A. Kallen said, "

참고 자료

Work Cited
Kaledin, Eugenia. Daily Life in the United States, 1940-1959: Shifting Worlds. Westport; Greenwood Press, 2000
Kallen, Stuart. A. The 1950s. San Diego; Green haven Press, 2000
Stephanie Coontz. “What We Really Miss About the 1950s”
Richard F. Weingroff. "Original Intent: Purpose of the Interstate System 1954-1956." Federal Highway Administration (16 July 2008). 3 Aug. 2008
<http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/>. Path: infrastructure; library; highway history.
Richard F. Weingroff. "Along the Interstates: Seeing the Roadside" Federal Highway Administration (19 Oct. 2006). 3 Aug. 2008
<http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/>. Path: infrastructure; library; highway history.

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