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<영문 Essay> Inequalities in the workplace. 직장에서의 불평등, Gender, age and race.

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
11페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


안녕하세요. 08년 10월에 작성된 따끈한 영문 Essay 입니다. 외국대학교에(호주)서 사용한거라 전혀 걱정하실 것 없구요, 뭐 문법이 완벽하다곤 장담 할 순 없으나 한번 검증 받았기에 큰 문제는 없을 듯 합니다. 불평등에 대해서 약 1600 words 의 길이로 작성되었으며, 좋은 점수 받았습니다. 레퍼런스(출처) 도 완벽하다는 평을 받았구요.


1. Inequality, a great problem in the workplace
A. What is inequality in the workplace?

2. Diversity of inequalities in the workplace
A. Gender inequalities
B. Age inequalities: Young and Old workers
C. Racial inequalities

3. Inequality is still in existence in the workplace.


1. Inequality, a great problem in the workplace
Nowadays, with increasing variety in organizations, several inequalities in the workplace have happened. In spite of the regulation policies which have limited inequalities on the workplace, it still exists, because of personal characteristics, such as gender, age and different race (Allan, C & Mcphail, R & Wilkinson, A 2008, p. 225). Inequality in the workplaces can be defined as the unfair discrimination relating to things, such as wage differentials between men and women, unfair practices and unfairness opportunities, particularly with regard to employment of people of different ethnic origins (Grainge, 2007, online). C2E TODAY (Committed 2 Equality) shows that in spite of large UK companies declaring that they have eliminated inequalities in the workplace around 77 per cent of them have little or no equality practices. Even though small companies` situation is more serious, 97.5 per cent of them have no equality practices in place (Committed 2 Equality, 2008, online). This paper will analyze several inequalities exist on the workplace with the use of real facts for concentrating on gender, age and race, and demonstrate the role of the participants within employments relations by discussing the responses from the state, employers and unions.

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&lt;영문 Essay&gt; Inequalities in the workplace. 직장에서의 불평등, Gender, age and race.
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