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Globalisation Challenges and Opportunities to Nation-State

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
11페이지/ MS 워드
가격 30,000원 할인쿠폰받기


political, economic, cultural




Globalisation is probably the hardest term to define. It is a process to some theorists while it is an activity, a phenomenon, an ideology or merely a metaphysical concept to the others. This term appeared in Webster’s Dictionary in 1961 for the first time, and it gained popularity in the 1980s and 1990s amongst various fields. It is likely that the term coined after merchants started international trade, more precisely during the post-WWII period. Because of this reason, some authors argue that globalisation is not at all a modern phenomenon but a continuing process which begun in the 17th century. Irrespective of the origin or the newness, the world is changing with a number of new phenomena since the creation of the term.
Commentators attempt to clarify the phenomena into an idea, but divisiveness is the only thing remains. Globalisation is a beeline for the economic development and mutual cooperation to proponents, on the other hand, to censurers, it is an outrageous integration that entails polarization of wealth and poverty and homogenizes human cultures. Then, what is it indeed? It is a trend. It is a “general direction in which something is developing or changing” Something influences the general public, this influence cannot be stopped or seized. Globalisation produced economic, political and socio-cultural trends, and the trends possess both positive and negative facets which the nation-states often face as challenges and opportunities. This paper will provide instances of the challenges and opportunities that globalisation brings to the nation-states.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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Globalisation Challenges and Opportunities to Nation-State
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