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[Narrative Essay] Favorite place

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최종 저작일
1페이지/ 한컴오피스
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자신이 좋아하는 장소에대한 글로써 Narrative essay 이 입니다
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왜 그 장소가 좋은지에 대한 에쎄이입니다~~!!!!!
영어쓰기수업때 과제였어요~^^




Everyone has a favorite place such as a home, park, school, library, and so on. People having their best places often tend to go there because the places make them feel good. There is also my own favorite place which is a public park along the Han river located in the middle of Seoul. It is relaxing for me to visit there whenever I want to take a rest.
I had a chance to go to the public park when I argued with my boyfriend. First, he asked me to go there for no reason while both of us were not in a good mood. I didn`t know what would happen to me at that time. I was still upset about what we argued so was my boyfriend. We didn`t talk to each other on the way taking a subway. At that time, we wouldn`t have expected anything better if we hadn`t decided to go there. By the time when we took off the subway and went up by lots of stairs form the underground, we were seemed to be ready for having a nice day beyond expectation.
I could look over an extensive area along the river wondering what would happen to me on that day. As soon as my boyfriend saw a place for renting a bike, he offered me taking a couple-bike together. Then, we talked a lot of things we hadn`t said when we argued before, and It made us straightforward to tell what we had thought. As time goes by, I seemed to relent toward him when he felt the same about me.
As soon as my anger finally had been alloyed, I started to have my stomach making noise for hunger. My boyfriend brought me some food, and then we ate all of them sitting on the bench near by the river. Then, I lay down on the grass with him after spreading a mat. After hours, we realized that it was already the time to go back home while the sky was getting darker and darker.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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[Narrative Essay] Favorite place
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2024년 07월 20일 토요일
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