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한국의 메디컬 투어리즘 (의료관광) 영작 레포트

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
1페이지/ 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


한국의 메디컬 투어리즘의 문제점과 그 개선에 대한 짧은 영문레포트




What is Medical tourism?
it`s a complex of medical care and tour a broad.
patients take medical treatment from a foreign country and link it to touring that country. Yes. it`s a new concept of tourism.
Korea has lots of advantages for medical tourism.
The level of Korean medical technique comes up to about 76% of America and 85% of JAPAN
But the cost is about 1/3 of JAPAN.
How is the rencent state of Korean medical tourism? Is it going good?
I`m afraid not. We have many foreign tourist from japan and china, of course.
Short distance and reasonable cost attracted them.
But it acconts for a very little possession compared to advanced countries.
Why is that? lack of system matters. Unfortunately. We don`t have any specific systems or national supports.
Moreover, the government prohibits conciliation between patient and hospital.
That`s why korean tourism company can not lure foreign patients.
they can not even advertise hospital in the foreign countries!

but there`s a little chance of thrive.
in fact, korean tour companies started educating `Medi planner` or `medical tour manager. trainig those specialists is a key to raising fine medcial tourism system.
also, korea has many attracting factors in treatment. Korea has traditional methods in maintaining health condition. Temple stays or spas,for example.
above all, Oriental medicine can be the most efficient,attractive way in medical cares. It can also make the most `korean` way to attain triumph in medical tourism.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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