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도시토양의 토양물리성에 관하여-soil impaction(토양담압)을 중심으로..,Soil Physical Properties of Urban Soil,Soil Impaction

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도시화가 진행됨에 따라 토양 환경에 미치는 영향 중 토양 담압(인간의 활동으로 인해 야기된 압력으로 인해 토양 표면이 compaction되는 현상)을 중심으로 한 프리젠테이션입니다. 또는 도시토양에 관한 개념이나 현상등에 대한 프리젠테이션으로써 참고하셔도 좋을 듯 합니다.
자료는 모두 영문으로 되어있으며 필요한 논문에서 발췌한 그림과 표(모두 참고문헌란에 기재하였음) 기타 자료들이 포함되어 있습니다. 필요하시다면 제 참고문헌을 참고하시어 내용을 보충하셔도 좋을 듯 합니다. 토양이나, 환경에 관심이 많으신 분들에게 도움이 되실듯 하네요.



Definition of Urban Soils

Characteristics of Urban Soils

Urban Soil Compaction

- Soil Compaction; Introduction

- Causes of Soil Compaction in Urban Areas

- Impacts of Soil Compaction in Urban areas

- Detection of Soil Compaction

- Prevention of Urban Soil Compaction

- Management Practices for Compacted Urban Soil



Soil Compaction; Introduction

The changed soil physical properties caused by soil compaction

Strength increases with compaction

Bulk density increases with compaction

Porosity decreased with compaction

With compaction, the distribution of pores shifts toward
smaller pore sizes.

Causes of Soil Compaction in Urban Areas

1. Deliberate compaction during construction activities.

Compaction of entire areas in order to increase strength
for paving and housing foundation

Use of heavy equipment for reshaping and sloping

2. Unintentional compaction after construction is completed.

Allowing uncontrolled traffic; vehicles and foot traffic

Allowing vehicles on lawn areas, especially when soil is wet.

참고 자료

Bullock ,P. and P. J. Gregory, 1991, Soils in the urban environment, Blackwell scientific publications.

Craul, P. J., 1999, Urban soils : applications and practices, John wiley & sons.

Effland, W. R. and R. V. Pouyat, 1997, The genesis, classification, and mapping of soils in urban areas, Urban ecosystems 1:217-228.

Gregory, J. H. at al., 2006, Effect of urban soil compaction on infiltration rate, J. of soil and water conservation 61(3):117-124.

Scharenbroch, B. C., et al., 2005, Distinguishing urban soils with physical, chemical, and biological properties, Pedobiologia 49:283-296.

U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS), 2000, Urban soil compaction, Urban Technical Note No. 2, USDA-NRCS, Soil Quality Institute, Auburn, Alabama.
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도시토양의 토양물리성에 관하여-soil impaction(토양담압)을 중심으로..,Soil Physical Properties of Urban Soil,Soil Impaction
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