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서울에 관한 간략한 소개 및 서울의 명소 4군데를 소개하는 내용의 레폿입니다.


2.명소4곳소개(경복궁, N타워, 63빌딩, 코엑스)


Seoul has been the capital of South Korea for 600 years. The population is about 10.5 million people. We add special city next to Seoul when we write the name in Korean. Seoul was host city of the `88 Olympics. And it was once a city for kings, but now the capital has become the hub of the entire nation. Seoul has many hundreds of to do and see. These include well preserved ancient royal palaces, temples, tombs, museums, art galleries, etc.

Ellis: Where is the nearest ancient royal palace from Jong-lo?
Judy: It is Gyeong-bok Palace. Gyeong-bok Palace is located in Kwang-Hwa-Mun. With Mt. Bug-ak to its rear and Mt. Nam in the foreground. It was built in 1395 by King Tae-jo. It was the main and largest palace of the Cho-sun dynasty. The palace was named Gyeong-bok, it means Palace Greatly Blessed by Heaven in Korean. The palace is open to the public. In Gyeong-bok Palace, visitors can see the royal throne room, the king`s bedroom and the queen`s living quarters.

Ellis: What is the best place for sight seeing Seoul?
Judy: It is N Seoul Tower. N Seoul Tower is a communication tower ,located in Seoul Nam-san. It was Built in 1969, and opened to the public in 1980. In the past, it was called the `Seoul Tower`. Most visitors ride the cable car up the mountain, and then walk to the tower. The tower features a gift shop and restaurants on the ground floor. Visitors may go up the tower for a fee. It is a popular place to go on clear days to see most of Seoul.

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