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My favorite actress, Anne Hathaway.

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Anne Hathaway에 대한 영어 소개글.
Anne Hathaway의 이름, 영화에 대한 내용포함.




Hello~ I`m ***. I`ll be talking to you about my favorite actress, Anne Hathaway.
If you are a woman, when you were young, you must have dreamed of being a princess, as I did. Watching dazzling princesses with brilliance in fairy tales, I wanted to be a princess. However, as time went on, I grew up and I forgot my dream of being a princess. When I was a middle school student, one day, a film `The Princess Diaries` was released. Then, I remembered the days of my childhood, so I saw that movie. `The Princess Diaries` follows the story of a 15 year old girl Mia being raised by a single mom who discovers that she is the princess of a small European country. The cause of this was the recent death of her long-absent father, who, unknown to her, was the crown prince of Genovia. She must make a choice between continuing the life of a San Francisco teen or stepping up to the throne. While Mia makes up her mind, she`s pressed into taking princess lessons from her grandmother. In the end, she became a princess. The movie excited me to envy. After that, I liked Anne Hathaway, who was the heroine of `The Princess Diaries`.
Let me introduce Anne Hathaway briefly. Hathaway`s real name is Anne Jacqueline Hathaway. Usually, A-n-n is used to spell the woman`s name in the U.S. but, Anne Hathaway`s name is spelled A-n-n-e. It`s so cute like Anne of Green Gables. Her nickname is Annie. She was born in Brooklyn, New York, on November 12, 1982 and her mother is actress Kate McCawley.

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My favorite actress, Anne Hathaway.
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