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[Comparative Essay][영문에세이] 로미오와 줄리엣 영화 두편보고 비교해서 쓰기 (원제: Compare and Contrast Act 1 Scene 1 in the films)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


1000단어 정도 되구요, 원제는 Compare and Contrast Act 1 Scene 1 in the films 입니다.
9학년 영어시간 때 쓴 에세이구요, comparative essay입니다.
비교하는 대상은 1968년에 Franco Zeffirelli가 제작한 로미와와 줄리엣 영화와 1996년에 Baz Luhrmann이 제작한 로미오와 줄리엣 영화입니다.




<Romeo and Juliet>, a tragedy of a star crossed lovers, had written by Shakespeare hundreds years ago. It was the best tragedy in Shakespeare’s time, and even in now days, the story of <Romeo and Juliet> are still known as one of the best tragedy. And 2 directors produced two different films with a same title of <Romeo and Juliet>. It was 1968 by Franco Zeffirelli, and 1996 by Baz Luhrmann. Although it had the same title, the two directors had interpreted the story in a quite different way, and it remains as the ‘classic’ and ‘modern’ <Romeo and Juliet> in people’s memories. From a scene of <Act 1 – Scene 1> in two films, we could look at how two films are different.

Firstly, the settings of two films are quite different. In the classic (1968) film, the director set the Verona in Italy. And the time goes back to hundreds years ago, to the Shakespeare’s time. The Verona in Italy is where Shakespeare had laid the scene, and the director just caught that point. The director put the play of <Romeo and Juliet> which had acted in Shakespeare’s time just into the screen.

참고 자료

영화 Romeo and Juliet (1968 by Franco Zeffirelli)
영화 Romeo and Juliet (1996 by Baz Luhrmann)
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[Comparative Essay][영문에세이] 로미오와 줄리엣 영화 두편보고 비교해서 쓰기 (원제: Compare and Contrast Act 1 Scene 1 in the films)
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