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고령화사회 리포트

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3페이지/ MS 워드
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According to the population statistics in South Korea, the number of people who are over 65 years old has been increased 2.5% since the 1960s; besides that, people occupy 5% of the total population. As a result, Korea’s population is changing forward to an aging society. Nowadays, the issue about seniors is a ‘hot potato’. We can approach the article or news about seniors all day through the mass-media. In this essay, what I want to talk about are the causes and effects and solutions concerning the old people.
There are some factors which cause an aging society: a technological development, and the decline in the birth rate. Once state-of-the-art technology has developed, medical technology has started to develop rapidly as well. Accordingly, recent medical technology can cure and recover any kinds of diseases; consequently, the life of human beings is gradually expanding. The average life expectancy was 45 years old 50 years ago, yet now it is a 63 years old! On account of technological development, the aging society is an issue. While the population of seniors is increasing, the birth rate is decreasing. Now that the average birth rate is 1.5 per family, it is not surprising that an aging society could be dominant. The birth rate has been declining; likewise, an aging society would soon become a concern because the pace of the increasing number of seniors will be much higher, compared to the number of children in the future.

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2024년 07월 19일 금요일
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