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My Favorite Place in the World: New York

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
3페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


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Do you have a favorite place? One may want to go to the beach while other one may like to walk in the forest. In my case, my favorite place is the city. I was born and raised in Seoul, so the city life means a lot to me. Even when I travel around, I like visiting the cities. Actually, I have visited many cities in Korea and U.S. Each city that I have visited in the past has its own attractiveness, but New York City is the most impressive and amazing place for me. It has many interesting places such as SOHO, Times Square, and Central Park.

SOHO is a very famous place for its unique and aesthetic reasons. SOHO is an abbreviation for South of Houston and it is in the southern part of Houston Street. In the past, there was an industrial area, but most factories moved out during the Great Depression. After that, a lot of poor artists came in this place and it became the artistic city where many young people love now. The ceilings of buildings in SOHO are suitable for artists’ works and the exteriors of buildings are also unique with diagonal stairs. There are lots of restaurants, boutiques, and bars including great art galleries. When I was in the U.S, I used to visit there once a week. I usually looked around in small designer shop and shopped at some clothing stores. Then, I sometimes ate strawberry ice-cream short cake at bar 69 and had dinner at Penang. At that time, I thought I was the happiest person. I still remember that feeling, and I am not going to forget it.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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My Favorite Place in the World: New York
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2024년 07월 20일 토요일
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