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세계화와 제3세계국가에 대한 논의(영어로 작성)

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2페이지/ MS 워드
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*영어로 작성됨
세계화가 제3세계국가에 어떤 영향을 미치는가에 대한 찬반 논란을 간략하게 정리하고, 자신의 의견을 개진한 글입니다. IR수업에 journal로 제출한 것이기 때문에 간략합니다.(1장 반)
Thomas L. Friedman,Jeffrey D. Sachs,Martin Wolf등 분야 전문가의 시각을 잘 정리했고, 주요 논지는 세계화에 긍정적 학자들은 경제적 세계화(via free-market economy and FDI) 결과로 제3세계국가들의 발전을 이룩할수 있다고 주장한 반면, 비판가들은 development ideology가 제3 세계국가들을 빈곤과 저발전에 갇히게 한다고 주장합니다.(Marxist and Dependency thoery).
이러한 양 시각을 정리하고, 말미에 앞으로 나야가야할 방향에 대하여 제 의견을 덧붙였습니다.
영어로 작성되었습니다. 더블 스페이스, 12포인트, 페이지 마진 1, 입니다.




New York Times columnist Thomas L. Friedman announced a new phase of world economy by saying “World is flat.” A new economic geography, he said, featured the rapid integration driven by technological advances and transnational economic activities of empowered individuals, especially of non-Western people. This big change in the world economy brings ambivalent responses from global citizens and IR scholars. On one hand, there is a rosy expectation that the integration of markets provide Third World economies with opportunities of participation, investment, and development. Dependence theorists, on the other hand, maintain that economic globalization make under-developed countries stuck in low-value-added manufacturing and agricultural industry.
Develop-mentalist such as Jeffrey D. Sachs said poverty in Third World countries is neither inevitable nor exacerbated by globalization. He said that investment in right place and in right manner with an application of proper development technology can resolve poverty problems in those countries. He specially emphasized on roles of international organization such as U.N. he worked with. Martin Wolf supported Jeffrey D. Sachs’s argument by saying “growth” in world economy as a whole not only eliminate absolute poverty but improve individual lives in third world. He argued there was a dramatic decrease in infant morality rate, adult illiteracy, and children labor in under-developed countries

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