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Levi’s International Strategy

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
9페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Introduction: Levi’s in global market
2. Issues: Orientation and Triad strategy
2-1. Levi’s Orientation of Global business
2-2. Triad Strategy: application
2-3. Triad Strategy: successful dominance of Global market
2-4. Triad Strategy: decline of Levi’s and competition
3. Conclusion: Levi’s global business strategy, present and future



Levi’s Jeans is one of the most popular brands in history. Established in 1847 by Levi Strauss, this brand has been a symbol of jeans and American lifestyle. Under the mission statement to be the successful global brand, Levi’s has made a great success in both domestic and foreign markets.
For a brief company history, in 1890, the company started using serial number 501 in identifying its most popular pants at that time. This 501 brand has become the leading line in the company and has been the keystone to Levi’s success. In 1936, Levi’s introduced the ‘Red Tab’ which became the symbol of the company. Finally in 1945, Levi’s went through a major development, partly for supplying jeans during war. The company grew and prospered, until mid-80s, when its brand identity in jeans was not like before.

참고 자료

Kim, M.Y. (2000) . Study on OEM in Levi’s Korea. Korea University Business school
Fields, G. (1983). From Bonsai to Levi’s. A Mentor Book
Yoon, C. (1997). Industrial Organization. Bupmoonsa
Cho. G. (2003, October 2). Global Window: http://globalwindow.org
Noh. Y.(2005, March 7). Moonwha-ilbo: http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=100&oid=021&aid=0000100502
Brand Failures (2007, April 30):
BBC News (1998, September 29)

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