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Buyer decision process

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
16페이지/ MS 워드
가격 23,000원 할인쿠폰받기


마케팅과목에서 25점만점에 24점 받은 레포트 입니다. ^^ 영문 리포트 입니다... 각주 bibliography 포함 되어 있습니다.


1. The model of consumer behaviour
1-1. Marketing stimuli and other stimuli
1-2. Buyer’s black box
1-3. Buyer’s responses
2. Factors influencing consumer behaviour
2-1. Internal factors
2-2 External factors
3. Consumer buying roles
4. Buyer decision process
4-1.Problem recognition
4-2.Information search
4-3.Evaluation of alternatives
4-4. Purchase decision
4-5. Post-purchase behaviour



In the 21st century, people still make spending decision every moment, and their every action is forced the purchasing a product and service.
Look at the people, when they first do in the morning, probably taking shower and using a shampoo, body wash, toothpaste and toothbrush. That means they are using the product to keep their life-style.
People who actually use products often have an influence on what is purchased. Study of life-styles about people is important for marketing managers that they have probability to read the market situation in the future.

The result of the purchase is influenced from the buyer actions that directly involve using a product or service including the decision processes which go into the actual picking the product or service from the company. It also comprehends that buyers have been satisfied or unsatisfied the product or the service.
This article will be discuss that the stage of the consumer behaviour decision making process and examples that consumer through these stages to purchasing or choosing a product or service.

참고 자료


 Interest rates set to be slashed before Christmas by Stephen Johnson AAP 11/28/2008 www.news.com.au/business
 On Concerns Over Gun Control, Gun Sales Are Up by Kirk Johnson Published 11/08/2008, the New York Times

 Cravens & Woodruff, (1984) Marketing, Addison-Wesley

 Kotler, P. et al, as above, (2004). Marketing (6th edition). Prentice-Hall. Australia

 Kotler, P. (2006), Marketing Management, (11th edition), Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River

 Miller, K.E. & Layton, R.A. (2000) Fundamentals of Marketing, 4th Ed., Sydney. Irwin-McGraw Hill

 Pascale Quester, Cathy Neal, Simone Pettigrew, (2007) Consumer Behaviour Implications for marketing Strategy, (5th edition), Irwin-McGraw Hill

 William M. Pride, O.C. Ferrell (1987) Marketing Basic Concept and Decisions (5th edition), Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston
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