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history of Korean ballet, 한국 발레의 역사

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한국 발레의 역사에 관하여 작성한 영문 레포트 입니다.



1. Introductory of Ballet
2. Development of Ballet
3. Nowadays Ballet and problems




One of the arts that it has been existed with human being is the dancing. The dancing has been continued for a long time and regarded as means for communicating among people and expressing their minds and ideas. So, if you want to understand some kinds of arts or cultures, you have to try to know about its history. Before we talk about the Ballet, we need to its meaning and etymology. According to Chantrell,

The etymology of the word ballet is related to the art form`s history. The word ballet comes from the French and was borrowed into English around the 17th century. The French word in turn has its origins in Italian balletto, a diminutive of ballo (dance). Ballet ultimately traces back to Latin ballare, meaning to dance.

Although the ballet has been continued and developed in the world for a long time since it emerged, the history of Korean ballet is not long than we expected. Its history is only about a half of century if we define that the beginning of Korean ballet history is the emergence of Korean ballerinas. Specifically, in 1910s, Ballet was simply introduced by a Russian girl, and two Korean persons, Jisoo Jung and Dongin Han who studied ballet in Japan started to spread the ballet in 1940s.

참고 자료

1. Chantrell, Glynnis. ed. (2002). The Oxford Essential Dictionary of Word Histories. New York: Berkley Books.
2. Kyunghee Kim. (1999). National Ballet Theatre’s the past and the present. Seoul. The Korean Society of Dance.
3. Donghwa Jo. (1975). Korean Cultural History. Seoul. Institute of Korean Culture.
4. Jiseung Hong. (1999). Research of Korean Ballet History. Seoul. Dongkuk University–Graduate School.
5. Kyungjin Sohn. (2000). Effects of professional ballet theatre to Korean ballet. Seoul. Sejong University–Graduate School.
6. Jaeseung Ahn. (1984). Korean history of DanceⅡ. Seoul. The National Academy of Arts.
7. Jiyeon Kim. (2006). The Ballet history of Korea on Introductory Stage, and the Beginning Stage after the Independence. Korea Sport National University-Graduate School
8. Korean National Ballet. History information of the Ballet. <http://kballet.org>
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