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cameron auto parts

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10페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


cameron auto parts 회사에 관하여 case study 를 자세하게 분석하였습니다.
경영전략과 글로벌 전략 등 상세한 내용이 수록되어있습니다.


1. Overview of Company and Industry
2. Analysis/ Finding
3. Conclusion and Recommendation


Cameron Auto Parts is a company that produces automobile parts. For few years, they had gone through some problems such as declining sales. So, Alex who is a CEO of Cameron Auto Parts started trying to diversification. However, before at that time, his company had no team for developing new product and in-house design. Moreover, in spite of insufficient capital, Alex wants to expand his business such as establishing new manufactory. The biggest problem is about new foreign market. Although they know their flexible coupling is prospective because it can be used in non-automobile industry, they have no idea how they can capture unfamiliar marketplace. So, in my opinion, his company needs innovation in structure of organization and a manner of making decision. If you look up the textbook, you can see that Alex tends to maintain his insistence, not being careful for advices from his staffs. Also, a way to go to overseas market is that at first they license local company and export directly after few years later.

참고 자료

Shin, Chulwoo. (2006). Introduction of Management. Samyoung-sa,
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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