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"LANDSCAPE TREES" 검색결과 1-20 / 144건

  • Analysis of Shipping Method and Trading Intent regarding Trees as Landscape Materials
    전북대학교 부설 휴양및경관계획연구소 Soyoung Lee
    논문 | 9페이지 | 4,000원 | 등록일 2023.04.05 | 수정일 2023.04.06
  • [A+레포트] 서양조경문화사 시대별 조경 특징 영문 레포트
    of the chase.② Assyrian gardens proclaimed control over nature by their artificial lakes and formal tree ... of Hanging garden① Assyrian kings made some spots for their sporting entertainment, not on growing trees ... Rome by dedicating public parks.④ Roman garden is covered with walkways, paintings, water features and trees
    리포트 | 6페이지 | 1,000원 | 등록일 2022.03.31
  • 미국대학_과제_동양미술역사_Asian Art History_UNC-CH_Paper_Li Cheng_Ju Ran
    Furthermore, the outlines are rough and overall, the scene’s he leafy part where the trees are arranged ... placed in the background, and there’s a clear distinction and distance in between the ground where trees ... The miniature-like detail in the primary image exists here in the secondary as well: the small leafy trees
    리포트 | 7페이지 | 2,000원 | 등록일 2020.12.26 | 수정일 2022.12.08
  • 전통조경 - naturalism ppt
    T his attitude had an influence on the advance of Korean culture, including in the field of landscape ... architecture NaturalismThe changes in traditional Korean landscape architecture The three Kingdoms Period ... 꽃피는 나무 Fruit trees 과수 K oreans never performed topiary works such as is found in Italian, French, and
    리포트 | 24페이지 | 5,000원 | 등록일 2020.01.18
  • [정신간호실습 A+] 미술치료 프로그램 이해
    Family drawing, KFD), 풍경구성법(Landscape Montage Technique, LMT) 등이 있다.그 외 간단한 색종이 오려 붙이기, 크레파스 또는 파스텔로 ... 미술을 활용한 진단기법 및 치료방법미술을 활용한 진단방법으로는 인물화 검사(Draw-A-person Test), 집(home)-나무(tree)-사람(person) HTP 그림, 동적 ... 집-나무-사람 그림(Kinetic House-Tree-Person, K-HTP), 빗 속의 사람 그리기(Person In The Rain, PITR), 동적 가족화(Kinetic
    리포트 | 2페이지 | 1,500원 | 등록일 2023.05.15
  • 학원 학부모 설명회
    Introspective reflections which are liable to stall are helped along by the flow of the landscape. ... parts of the mind are given other tasks, are charged with listening to music or following a line of trees.영어
    ppt테마 | 4페이지 | 1,500원 | 등록일 2020.03.06
  • 성균관대학교 유럽사회와문화 중간고사 대체 레포트
    In Saint-Remy's days, Gogh painted "The Starry Night" and "The Cypress Tree", which are often referred ... Impressionism is not a description of the landscape itself, but the “sense” produced by the landscape ... Rembrandt's self-portraits are more than the landscapes he observes nature.
    리포트 | 2페이지 | 1,000원 | 등록일 2021.04.04
  • 산림과학원 탐방 보고서(목재의 비밀 과제)
    Also, the number of trees planted in Korea for 30 years is more than 10 billion, and 63% of the national ... the forests provide relief for the eyes and stabilize the mind, and ‘phytoncide’ is a substance that trees ... down suddenly when a lot of rain falls all at once.Fourth, it plays a role of nature museum (forest landscape
    리포트 | 2페이지 | 1,000원 | 등록일 2020.03.15 | 수정일 2020.06.11
  • 동경 인근 여행 영작
    and natural wonders were further explored as I visited the Hakone Shrine, nestled among ancient cedar trees ... of spiritual significance and beauty.The adventure continued to Owakudani Valley, where the volcanic landscape ... , each destination had its unique story to tell.Leaving Japan, I carried with me memories of serene landscapes
    리포트 | 2페이지 | 500원 | 등록일 2024.07.03
  • (영어/과제) 핀란드 요엔수 박물관 탐방 후기
    At the painting, blue-colored trees are drawn with spread ink. ... Beside the tree, seven brothers and bears were fighting each other. ... painter and professor Eero Nelimarkka (1891-1977) is known for his Ostrobothnian (Western Finlan) winter landscapes
    리포트 | 6페이지 | 1,000원 | 등록일 2023.11.19
  • 친환경 건축재료 Timbercrete
    No trees are further cut to make this material. ... To make this, we don’t have to cut down a new tree. ... has extensive utilisation capabilities that can be used in residential and industrial architecture, landscape
    리포트 | 5페이지 | 1,800원 | 등록일 2019.12.16 | 수정일 2019.12.18
  • 캠퍼스 특허 유니버시아드 우수상 수상작 보고서
    1. 분석배경 및 목적1-1. 분석배경근미래의 교통 환경에서는 전기차를 기반으로 하는 목적 기반 모빌리티(PBV), 도심 항공 모빌리티(Urban Air Mobility) 등 다양한 유형의 모빌리티 사용의 확대가 예측되고 있다. 따라서 다양한 형태 및 크기의 차체어퍼바..
    리포트 | 324페이지 | 13,000원 | 등록일 2023.07.03 | 수정일 2023.07.04
  • [Pathways 4] Chapter 2. A Cry for The Tiger 본문 + 해석
    First, she stops to rub her right-side whiskers against a roadside tree. ... The eye of the tiger is backlit by a membranethat the ideal tiger landscapes have very few tigers. ... “If these are lost,” Karanth said, “you will have tiger landscapes with no tigers.”시간이 촉박한 상황에서는, 냉정한
    리포트 | 5페이지 | 1,000원 | 등록일 2020.06.07 | 수정일 2020.06.09
  • 영화 가위손 분석 영어 에세이
    Second, there are also the sculptures in the yard that Edward makes out of trees and bushes; these reflect ... This landscape enhanced a thematic grist in the film that had an in-depth outlook. ... This landscape enhanced a thematic grist in the film that had an in-depth outlook.
    리포트 | 6페이지 | 1,000원 | 등록일 2020.05.29
  • pathways4 2과 CRY FOR THE TIGER 본문+해석
    First, she stops to rub her right-side whiskers against a roadside tree. ... 갑자기 알 수 없는 곳에서 나타났다.”고 보고한다D.But the other reason for the lack of sightings is that the ideal tiger landscapes ... Long-term conservation must focus on all aspects of a tiger landscape: core breeding populations, sanctuaries
    리포트 | 5페이지 | 2,000원 | 등록일 2019.12.14 | 수정일 2021.09.23
  • Symbolism of Ssanggoi-Jeong and Chodangpalgyeong in Sirye-ri, Gimhae City
    전북대학교 부설 휴양및경관계획연구소 Jaehyun Rho, Sangyup Han, Heekyung Son
    논문 | 8페이지 | 4,000원 | 등록일 2023.04.05 | 수정일 2023.04.06
  • Visual communication, Business communication PPT
    sign and a tree to indicate my interest. ... exact purpose is not clear, these paintings include representations of, among other things, animals, landscapes ... A tree, for instance, has a trunk, branches, and different kinds of leaves.
    리포트 | 15페이지 | 2,000원 | 등록일 2019.09.12
  • Reading For Today5 TOPIC5 (5th) 10-2단원 A Model of Efficiency: NASA’s Sustainability Base 해석
    ”rooms” amidst gardens and trees, or they can sit on benches or at picnic tables and simply work quietly ... 주변 풍경과 시각적이고 감정적인 연관성을 확고히 할 수 있다(establish).Outside, people can have meetings in various naturally landscaped ... constant flow of fresh air, and people can establish a visual and emotional connection to the surrounding landscape.건물은
    리포트 | 3페이지 | 1,500원 | 등록일 2019.12.02
  • 계명대 Korean History 대구 골목투어 영어 journal
    And I saw the first western apple tree ever grown in Korea. I thought it was a small and old tree. ... when I went to the Museum again it was undesirable to me.But because of the hard work of management landscape
    리포트 | 5페이지 | 2,000원 | 등록일 2021.05.11
  • Analysis of poems The Flea by John Donne and The Snow Man by Wallace Stevens
    the image of the snowman.One must have a mind of winterTo regard the frost and the boughsOf the pine-trees ... crusted with snow;The writer states that in order to properly understand the lonely beauty of the winter landscape
    리포트 | 2페이지 | 2,000원 | 등록일 2024.05.01
  • 레이어 팝업
  • 프레시홍 - 특가
  • 프레시홍 - 특가
  • 레이어 팝업
  • 레이어 팝업
  • 레이어 팝업
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