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"The capital of the Joseon Dynasty" 검색결과 1-20 / 3,564건

  • [영문레포트] 조선시대 여성 지위에 대한 분석 (The status of women in Joseon Dynasty)
    the social status of women in the Joseon Dynasty.Ⅰ. ... of forming of concubine system based on Confucianism during the Joseon Dynasty. ... inferior status of women in the Joseon Dynasty.2.
    리포트 | 8페이지 | 4,000원 | 등록일 2021.12.14 | 수정일 2022.12.26
  • [영어, 영작] 우리나라 역사를 영어로 설명(작문) 및 나의 의견
    the capital. ... 이 시기에는 나라의 독립을 쟁취하기 위해 많은 사람들이 자신의 목숨을 희생했습니다.In the second half of the Joseon Dynasty, something heartbreaking ... Silla was the capital of Gyeongju, and it left many relics such as Bulguksa Temple and Seokguram Hermitage
    리포트 | 3페이지 | 1,000원 | 등록일 2021.12.30
  • 영어작문 - 경복궁 - 외국인 친구에게 영어로 경복궁 소개하기
    Gyeongbokgung Palace was the palace where the king of the Joseon Dynasty lived. ... palace where the king of the Joseon Dynasty lived.경복궁은 조선왕조의 왕이 생활하던 궁궐이었다.It was the first building ... It was the first building built by King Taejo, who founded Joseon, while moving the capital to Hanyang
    리포트 | 2페이지 | 1,000원 | 등록일 2022.06.11
  • 러시아 PPT
    Moscow, the capital of Russia Russia Government Currency Flag and Language T raditional Russian food ... Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Mongolia , Norway, Poland, and Ukraine.Moscow, the capital of Russia The population ... its industrial and cultural capital.Russia has four seasons.
    리포트 | 14페이지 | 2,000원 | 등록일 2021.07.19
  • 징비록 독후감 영어 버전
    In October of the 10th year of Gyesanyeon, the capital was surrendered, engulfed in flames, and only ... and the Ming Dynasty. ... Truly, these were the mistakes committed by Joseon in the face of the international situation, stemming
    리포트 | 2페이지 | 1,000원 | 등록일 2023.08.03
  • (한양대) To Make Better Society 더 나은 사회를 만들기 위해서
    Joseon Dynasty, the rich were considered bad people. ... In Joseon Dynasty, it was a typical zero-sum society. ... The logic of capitalism is that people without means of production (capital) sell their labor to the
    리포트 | 3페이지 | 3,000원 | 등록일 2022.12.21
  • 강원랜드, 파라다이스 재무제표 비교분석
    Brief summary of the business, date of incorporation listing status, market capitalization, main product ... What’s the non-current assets of the company? What is the biggest item? ... Its market capitalization is about \5,412,700,000,000 and its main product is Kangwon Lannd cash equivalent
    리포트 | 10페이지 | 3,200원 | 등록일 2021.07.18
  • 영어작문 - 북촌 한옥마을 - 외국인 친구에게 서울 관광지 소개하기
    Palace and Changdeokgung Palace, you can experience the lives of aristocrats of the Joseon Dynasty in ... If you have a glimpse of the lives of kings of the Joseon Dynasty at old palaces such as Gyeongbokgung ... 고궁과는 또 다른 멋이 있다.If you have a glimpse of the lives of kings of the Joseon Dynasty at old palaces such
    리포트 | 3페이지 | 1,000원 | 등록일 2022.07.14
  • [생활속의 통계학 A+ 과제] TED, EBS 강연 13개 감상문
    TED : The dirty secret of capitalism - and a new way forwardhttps://www.ted.com/talks/nick_hanauer_the_dirty_secret_of_capitalism_and_a_new_way_forward강연자 ... TED : The workforce crisis of 2030 -- and how to start solving it nowhttps://www.ted.com/talks/rainer_strack_the_workforce_crisis_of ... TED : How economic inequality harms the societieshttps://youtu.be/cZ7LzE3u7Bw영국 노팅엄 의과대학 사회역학 명예교수이자
    리포트 | 10페이지 | 1,000원 | 등록일 2022.01.17 | 수정일 2022.03.22
  • 조선시대 유물 소개 (영어)
    of the Joseon Dynasty. ... B871027 임다연- Joseun Dynasty[Portraits of Kings]Portraits of kings were consistently produced throughout ... to the Joseon period.
    리포트 | 7페이지 | 2,000원 | 등록일 2019.11.17
  • 영어작문 - 종묘 - 외국인 친구에게 영어로 종묘 소개하기
    you can properly experience the architectural style of the Joseon Dynasty. ... Jongmyo is a Confucian shrine dedicated to the former kings and queens of the Joseon Dynasty and to the ... former kings and queens of the Joseon Dynasty and to the honored kings and queens.종묘는 조선왕조의 역대 왕과 왕비
    리포트 | 3페이지 | 1,000원 | 등록일 2022.06.11
  • 영어작문 - 한국의 역사 - 외국인 친구에게 영어로 한국의 역사 소개하기
    And then the Joseon was founded. The Joseon Dynasty also lasts for more than 500 years. ... was founded.그리고 그 뒤 조선이라는 나라가 건국되었다.The Joseon Dynasty also lasts for more than 500 years.조선도 500년 넘게 ... Hundreds of years later, various powers emerged again, and after the war, the country of Goryeo once
    리포트 | 3페이지 | 1,000원 | 등록일 2022.06.14
  • 영작문 -종묘제례악 Jongmyo Jeryeak 설명
    out of a total of 27 kings of the Joseon dynasty, are enshrined in the main hall. ... It was performed at the ancestral rites for the king of the Joseon Dynasty. ... Originally the jongmyo jeryeak was played joseon dynasty, spirit tables of only 19 meritorious kings,
    리포트 | 1페이지 | 1,000원 | 등록일 2020.03.19
  • 영어작문 - 창덕궁, 창경궁 - 외국인 친구에게 서울 관광지 소개하기
    Joseon Dynasty.The backyard of Changdeokgung Palace is also an indispensable attraction. ... making it better to imagine the life of the Joseon Dynasty.경복궁에 비해 전각들이 잘 남아있어 조선시대의 생활상을 상상하기에도 더 좋다.The ... Palace was burned due to the Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592, is also the palace that Joseon kings
    리포트 | 3페이지 | 1,000원 | 등록일 2022.07.14
  • 한양별곡 영작시
    I am walking along the Royal Palace Road in Hanyang, which was once the capital of Joseon. ... of 500 years of Joseon's long history.I sense the spirit of King Taejo Lee Seong-gye, who soared to ... Suddenly, as I gaze upon the ancient buildings and relics scattered throughout the city, I feel the nostalgia
    리포트 | 1페이지 | 500원 | 등록일 2023.10.05
  • 도시 문제
    In the early Joseon Dynasty, political cities developed, and commercial cities developed in the later ... Goguryeo built its capital city as a planned city.2. ... During the Unified Silla Period, the entire nation was reorganized around the capital, Gyeongju.3.
    리포트 | 3페이지 | 1,000원 | 등록일 2020.06.25 | 수정일 2021.04.11
  • 고등 영어말하기대회 우승작-경복궁소개
    Gyeongbokgung is the main royal palace of Joseon dynasty. ... It shows the government's system of Joseon dynasty.There are many buildings in 경복궁 including office quarters ... In here, visitors can see the elegant royal culture of Joseon, including facilities for royal affairs
    리포트 | 2페이지 | 1,500원 | 등록일 2022.01.27
  • 경희대 국제학과) Culture and Society of Korea final paper
    capitalism in Joseon.4. ... This increase was possible because of the inflow of the Japan capital.Until 1920s, for military goal, ... As a result, Joseon’s national capital became weak and many entrepreneurs had to quit their businesses
    리포트 | 8페이지 | 2,500원 | 등록일 2022.06.30
  • [A+] 영어 교양 레포트 - 조선과 대한민국의 비교
    Although Joseon Dynasty and the Republic of Korea are two nations which are built on the same land, they ... Many dramas which reconstructed the life of the Joseon era are broadcasted these days. ... are different in many aspects such as national ideas, political systems, and leisure culture
    리포트 | 2페이지 | 1,000원 | 등록일 2021.03.08
  • [영어레포트] 박지원 열하일기&허생전 영문 분석 레포트
    In Joseon, which was full of Confucian ideas, he pursued kind of capitalism. ... Early on, he saw the capitalist approach and the use of practical cultural properties as factors that ... Park Ji-won wrote “The Jehol Diary” and “The Tale of Student Heo”, and expressed his thoughts of Realistic
    리포트 | 4페이지 | 3,000원 | 등록일 2022.06.28
  • 레이어 팝업
  • 프레시홍 - 특가
  • 프레시홍 - 특가
  • 레이어 팝업
  • 레이어 팝업
  • 레이어 팝업
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