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국제법상 수용자 처우와 국내법제도 개선1

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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국교정학회 수록지정보 : 矯正硏究 / 32권
저자명 : 장복희


국제법상 수용자 처우와 국내법제도 개선
Ⅰ. 고문 및 부당한 처우의 금지
Ⅱ. 수용자 처우에 관한 UN 최저기준 규칙
Ⅲ. 국제법상 합법적인 구금
Ⅳ. 한국에서의 개선
Ⅴ. 결어

한국어 초록

21세기 행형제도의 목표는 목적론적 성격으로 '죄가 밉지 사람이 미운 것이 아니라’는 철학을 바탕으로, 범죄인에게 자신이 저지른 죄에 상응하는 처벌을 하는 것이 아닌 과학형주의를 기초로 사전의 범죄를 예방하고 사후에 범죄인의 교화를 통하여 다시 사회의 온전한 구성원으로서 복귀할 수 있도록 하는데 있다. 한국의 현 행형제도가 선진화되어 있다고 하지만 아직도 해결해야할 문제들이 있다. 그 나라의 선진화는 감옥을 가보면 안다고 하듯이 한국의 민주주의의 성숙도를 상징적으로 보여주는 곳이 교도소이고 수용자의 처우 기준은 그 나라의 인권보장수준의 척도가 된다. 이 글은 개선되고 있는 있기는 하지만 여전히 교도소를 ‘범죄학교’라고 부르고 있고 한국의 수용자 처우를 보다 국제적 기준으로 끌어 올리고 ‘범죄가 범죄를 낳는’ 악순환의 연결고리를 없애며 수용자들이 좋은 시민으로서 다시 사회에 복귀할 수 있도록 필요한 인권차원의 처우와 제도적 장치의 개선을 연구해 보려 한다. 우선 수용자에 대해 적용되는 국제인권법의 발전을 살피고, 고문 및 여타 부당한 처우의 법적 금지, 국제적 구제절차, 수용자 처우에 관한 UN 최저기준 규칙 및 국제법상 합법적인 구금요건을 고찰하고, 최근의 행형법안을 중심으로 한이들 국제적 기준에 따른 국내실천방안을 모색한다.

영어 초록

In 21 centuries, International human rights law has developed to protect individuals against a Nation stemming from the concept that a person should be protected from an abuse of power of a sovereign state. Prisoners as social minorities are also objects of fundamental rights guaranteed by international law, execution law aims at treating prisoners morally as a human being in order that punishments make a individual prisoner resocialization as well as prevent social crimes. Ignoring one's personality and fostering inferiority complex can produce another crime, moral treatment may cure criminal psychology and be a motive power to turn a prisoner to be a good highly motivated citizen. Torture and other ill-treatment are inhumane act against a human dignity and are prohibited the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from Being from Being Subjected to Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment and other regional human rights Convention. As a society is developing, the scope of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment should extend beyond strict definition and also monitoring and remedy systems have a substantially important role to keep watch torture and ill-treatment. Through accepting individual communication system of Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, enacting national law concerning prohibiting torture and ill-treatment, establishing implementing national law to punish crimes pertaining to jurisdiction of International Criminal Court, 1979 UN Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials, dissemination, education of international standards concerned, introducing of Lay visitor system, we can have preventive effects in advance and appropriate remedies after to assure prisoner's rights. In Korea, current new executing draft law to secure principle of non-discrimination, principle of preventing excess, to enforce principle of innocence presumption, right to medicine, seems to be correspond to the UN Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners, but it depends on the authorities' executing capacity to embody it's will of securing human rights of prisoners into actual systems. UN Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners cleary emphasizes that a prisoner's rights to life and physical ․ mental security are basic one in a prison, that imprisonment and other measures which result in cutting off an offender from the outside world are afflictive by the very fact of taking from the person the right of self-determination by depriving him of his liberty, so the treatment of persons sentenced to imprisonment or a similar measure shall have as its purpose, so far as the length of the sentence permits, to establish in them the will to lead law-abiding and self-supporting lives after their release and to fit them to do so, and that treatment shall be such as will encourage their self-respect and develop their sense of responsibility. The restriction of fundamental rights of prisoners as assuring universal human rights need to be done according to principles of moral treatment, good faith, necessity, proportionality and prohibition of authorities misuse. Furthermore as a new basic rights, the right to self-determination of information, claims of opening information, right to erection to keep spiritual solidarity as a social membership need to extend applying to prisoners, because treatment of prisoners eventually turn to bare benefits and harms to society.

참고 자료



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