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Game theory and competitive stratege

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


3. Two computer firms, A and B, are planning to market network systems for office information management. Each firm can develop either a fast, high-quality system (H), or a slower, low-quality system (L).
4,5,6,7,9,11 문제 해석과 정답 원어본입니다.


3. Two computer firms, A and B, are planning to market network systems for office information management. Each firm can develop either a fast, high-quality system (H), or a slower, low-quality system (L). Market research indicates that the resulting profits to each firm for the alternative strategies are given by the following payoff

4. Two firms are in the chocolate market. Each can choose to go for the high end of the market (high quality) or the low end (low quality). Resulting profits are given by the following payoff matrix:

5. Two major networks are competing for viewer ratings in the 8:00-9:00 P.M. and 9:00-10:00 P.M. slots on a given weeknight. Each has two shows to fill this time period and is juggling its lineup. Each can choose to put its “bigger” show first or to place it second in the 9:00-10:00 P.M. slot. The combination of decisions leads to the following “ratings points” results:


If both firms make their decisions at the same time and follow maximin (low-risk) strategies, what will the outcome be?
With a maximin strategy, a firm determines the worst outcome for each option, then chooses the option that maximizes the payoff among the worst outcomes. If Firm A chooses H, the worst payoff would occur if Firm B chooses H: A’s payoff would be 50. If Firm A chooses L, the worst payoff would occur if Firm B chooses L: A’s payoff would be 15. With a maximin strategy, A therefore chooses H. If Firm B chooses L, the worst payoff would occur if Firm A chooses L: the payoff would be 20. If Firm B chooses H, the worst payoff, 40, would occur if Firm A chooses H. With a maximin strategy, B therefore chooses H. So under maximin, both A and B produce a high-quality system.

b. Suppose both firms try to maximize profits, but Firm A has a head start in planning, and can commit first. Now what will the outcome be? What will the outcome be if Firm B has a head start in planning and can commit first?
If Firm A can commit first, it will choose H, because it knows that Firm B will rationally choose L, since L gives a higher payoff to B (45 vs. 40). This gives Firm A a payoff of 60. If Firm A instead committed to L, B would choose H (55 vs. 20), giving A 55 instead of 60. If Firm B can commit first, it will choose H, because it knows that Firm A will rationally choose L, since L gives a higher payoff to A (55 vs. 50). This gives Firm B a payoff of 55.

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Game theory and competitive stratege
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