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KPMG의 인사관리 시스템(English version)

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KPMG의 인사관리 시스템에 대해 작성한 영어 레포트 입니다.


1. Executive Summary

2. Introduction

3. KPMG overview:

4. KPMG’s HR Policies and Strategies
4.1 Recruitment Strategies
4.2 Attraction Strategies
4.3 Retention Strategies

5. External Factors that Influence KPMG
5.1 External Factors
5.2.1 Economical Factors
5.2.2 Social Cultural Factors

6. Evaluation on HR Outcomes and KPMG’s Performance
6.1 Recruitment Strategies relate to KPMG’s Performance
6.2 Attraction Strategies Relate to KPMG’s Performance
6.3 Retention Strategies relate to KPMG’s Performance

7. Conclusion

8. Reference List


In today’s challenging and complex world, organisations strive to innovate, adapt changes, and seek for new business opportunities so as to gain long term sustainable competitive advantages (KPMG International 2010). Traditionally, human resources are seen to be costs for organisations, however, nowadays, they are valuable assets to a lot of large international firms, and KPMG is one of them.

To be able to attract, recruit and retain the right people for the company, KPMG strives to create an open, fair, and understanding HR philosophy to create a working environment that appreciates diverse values and individual differences, so as to maximise each employee’s strengths and abilities, and therefore it leads to maximum commitment and contribution from employees to allow KPMG to gain profit.

참고 자료

Blain, Alicia. 2008, ‘The Millennial Tidal Wave: Five Elements that will Change the Workplace of Tomorrow’, Journal of the Quality Assurance Institute, 2, pp. 11-13.
Boxall Macky, K. 2003, ‘The causes and consequences of leaving and staying with employers’, Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 41 , pp.18-22.
Choudhary, N, Kaur, J, Bhansali, I, l Datta, K, Banerjee Khanna, M 2010, presentation
Corporate Executive Board 2003, Linking Employee Satisfaction with Productivity, Performance, and Customer Satisfaction, Corporate Leadership council
Glassdoor, KPMG Reviews Kramar Cieri DH 2011, Human Resource Management in Australia: Strategy, People, Performance,4th Edition,McGraw-Hill, Sydney
KPMG media 2007, KPMG,>
KPMG International 2010, Cutting Through Complexity, KPMG International,
KPMG 2011, KPMG Australia, viewed 30 March 2011,
Griffeth R. W 2002, ‘Practical retention policy for the practical manager’, Academy of Management Executive, 16, pp.151-164.
Winterton, J. 2004, ‘A Conceptual Model of Lab
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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