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Bob Parson Case

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
4페이지/ MS 파워포인트
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MBA에서 HR 과목시간에 발표한 Bob Parson Case 영문 분석자료 입니다.


- Brief Introduction of Bob Parson

- Analysis of Question


Question 1. What is your assessment of the performance evaluation process at Morgan Stanley?

Question 2. What about Bob Parson’s performance

Question 3. Should He be Promoted?

  The system used within Morgan Stanley is a kind of 360 º feedback, based only on behavioral data. Although it is recommended for development process, in this case it is used mainly for administrative purposes - promotion and compensation packages.
        If a performance system is intended to be used for administrative purposes, including promotion, the output data (management by objectives) should be used besides the behavior data.
        The dimensions of behaviors are not formally defined and not well understood by the company employees, even by the recently hired managers. The company wants to change the culture through this performance appraisal system, but the design was not complete and not appropriate training was provided.
        In this 360 º feedback implementation, the self-evaluation and customers feedback are not included, although Rob Parson has direct contact with them all the time.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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