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직무명세서와 직무기술서 비교 차이점 및 예시 사례 조사

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1.직무기술서 - McDonald manager

2. 직무명세서 - ELECTRICAL ENGINEER in Germany of RITZ Instrument Transformers GmbH

3. 직무기술서 VS 직무명세서(생활재활교사)

4. 분석 및 생각


What is a McDonald manger?
A manager in McDonald plays a vital role in maintaining quality service to their consumers. Fast-food managers are persons who make sure that the restaurant run smoothly. Duties may include employee and personnel supervision, food sanitation and preparation and customer service. McDonald managers are required to be organized, have the capacity to work under pressure, possess a strong skill in customer service and enjoy food preparation.
Duties of McDonald manager
• McDonald managers are tasked in training scheduling, hiring and supervising other McDonald employees. They can also train and manage assistant managers and appoint crew leaders but this generally depends upon the size of the restaurant. Managers are also responsible in the payroll, periodic reviews on employees and provide some disciplinary action.
• A fast-food manager oversees all food preparation aspects, cooking, and cold prep as well as storage and food disposal. They also make sure that orders are completed in a timely manner and are properly served. They also perform inventory and order supplies and foods needed in the restaurant.
• McDonald managers should ensure that McDonald restaurant along with the employees provide good customer service, including serving and completing all orders quickly, maintaining courteousness and being efficient, maintaining a clean restrooms, restaurants and parking areas. Managers should also respond on their customer’s queries, complaints and comments.

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