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고객관계관리론의 이해




as a key management tool?
A customer is someone who pays for something or orders services from organisation. It can be said the customer is profitable for the firm as they pay money when they purchase goods and services. Thus customer relationship is more than ever important for the company to increase their profits. How to manage customer will give a great benefit to the organisation. Also on the firm side, it could be more difficult to capture a new customer than to keep their regular customers coming to the shop again. In order to maintain their regular customers, they always attempt to provide better quality service and aim to high customer satisfaction.

<중 략>

CRM can be essentially summarised its pursue as maximisation profitability and customer satisfaction, increase customer royalty, strengthen partnership, increase sales and market share, enhance productivity and, shareholder value maximisation. As it is shown that CRM goals are essential to be successful marketing, its high potential ROI, effective communication to solve problem with IT background as well as significantly increase of the importance of consumerism, it leads to CRM tend to settle broadly in many organisations as major implementation.

참고 자료

Anne Stringfellow, Winter Nie, and David E. Bowen, Sep-Oct 2004, CRM: Profiting from understanding customer needs, Business Horizons Vol. 47 Issue 5
Bill Karakostas, Dimitris Kardaras and Eleutherios Papathananssiou, Sep 2005, The state of CRM adoption by the financial services in the UK: an empirical investigation, Information Management Vol. 42 Issue 6
Hugh Wilson, Elizabeth Daniel and Malcolm McDonald, Feb 2002, Factors for success in Customer Relationship Management Systems, Journal of Marketing Management Vol. 18 No.1-2
Jason Compton, Jan 2005, Profits, one customer at a time, Customer Relationship Management Vol. 9 Issue 1
Werner Reinartz, Manfred Krafft, and Wayne D. Hoyer, Aug 2004, The Customer Relationship Management Process: Its Measurement and Impact on Performance, Journal of Marketing Management Vol. 41 Issue 3
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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