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Instruments for Moisture & Water activity determination

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
38페이지/ MS 파워포인트
가격 4,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Ⅰ. Instruments for water activity determination
Ⅱ. Instruments for moisture determination


1. Hygrometers(습도계)
Chilled mirror dew point

1-1-2 Advantage
accurate, fast, simple to use, and precise.
1-1-3 Instruments
A sealed chamber containing mirror, optical sensor(광학센서), internal fan, and infrared thermometer(적외선 온도계).

Measurement time is typically less than 5 minutes.

1-1-4 Operation

Optical reflectance sensor detects the exact point at which condensation(응축) appears.
When condensation occurs on the mirror, a change in reflectance is registered and the dew point temperature(Td) is measured.
At the same time, the sample temperature(Ts) is measured with an infrared thermometer.

<중 략>

sample adjusted to a predetermined temperature in a vacuum dryer electric quietness. Next stop the vacuum pump and slowly dry air at atmospheric pressure conditions inside the dryer

1-3-1 Operation
the height of the lamp voltage control devices, and a certain amount of time to dry heat.

2. Distillation
2-1 Operation
If the amount of water equivalent to 3 ~ 4.5ml sample by measuring the flask to avoid getting on the spout of an organic solvent injection and 75ml added and is connected to the device.

참고 자료

식품분석학.노봉수,이광근,김석중,김영석,이재환. 이영호. 수학사. 2008
Water activity in Foods. Gustavo V.Barbosa-Canovas, Anthony J.Fontana. Blackwell publishing. 2007
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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Instruments for Moisture &amp; Water activity determination
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