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As a South Korean, strategies of IKEA Korea need little improvement in my point of view. Current dilemma of IKEA is that it is having difficulty matching every single customer in the globalized society. Many problems are arising because of this dilemma. It is becoming current issue, especially in Korea, because they are saying the drawers are safe in Korea when they recalled the same drawers in USA when accidents happened.
Last February 14th, child was buried into the drawer when the child was playing hanging on the drawer. The drawer fell to the front because it lost the centre of gravity. This drawer was produced by IKEA “Malm” company. This drawer made 6 child died, and 41 accidents happened in total. At last on June 28th, IKEA said they would recall all the drawers that became problematic in USA and Canada. The problematic drawers were also sold to Korean customers, so Korean customers also required recall. But IKEA refused saying that the drawer was safe but they were recalling due to promise between USA customer council and IKEA.

참고 자료

Jihye, Min. Korean economy and naver news (2015). Hanssem overwhelms original market share. http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&oid=015&aid=0003308399&sid1=001
Yunju, Cho. The consumer news(2015). Hyundai Ribalt stays still though “ikea” entered. http://www.consumernews.co.kr/?mod=news&act=articleView&idxno=448207
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