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Effects of Thawing Temperature on the Physicochemical and Sensory Properties of Frozen Pre-Rigor Beef Muscle

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Pre-rigor bovine sternomandibularis muscles were frozen at 3 hr postmortem thawed at various temperatures (18, 2, and -2oC), and then meat quality and sensory properties were compared with those in chilled muscle (control). The meat thawed at 18oC had lower ultimate pH, water holding capacity, and sensory scores and higher muscle shortening, thaw drip loss, and shear values than those of the other samples. The samples thawed at -2oC had significantly lower muscle shortening and higher sensory scores in tenderness and juiciness than those thawed at 18 and 2°C. Muscle shortening, pH, WHC, shear values, and sensory properties were not significantly different between control and sample thawed at -2oC. By holding at -2oC, thaw shortening was prevented and tender meat comparable to the chilled meat was obtained. These results indicate that thaw shortening can be largely eliminated if the frozen pre-rigor muscle is thawed at -2oC.


Materials and Methods
Muscle sample preparation
Sarcomere length
Thaw, cook, and total muscle shortening
Water holding capacity (WHC)
Thaw drip, cook loss, and total loss
Shear force
Sensory evaluation
Statistical analyses
Results and Discussion
Sarcomere length and muscle shortening
Thaw drip, cooking, and total loss
pH, WHC, and shear force
Sensory properties


The thaw, cook, and total muscle shortening in frozen pre-rigor sternomandibularis muscle thawed at various temperatures are summarized in Table 1. Muscle shortening
of thawed meat was increased as thawing temperature increased and the sample thawed at 18oC had the highest thaw shortening (58-68%). On the other hands, the sample held at -2oC had a slightly higher muscle shortening than control, but it was not significantly different. These results were in agreement with our sarcomere length shortening results and confirmed previous findings on thaw shortening in beef muscle (20, 22). Also, Xiong and Blanchard (6) reported that muscle shortening of thaw rigor muscle thawed at 20oC was 51%, and muscle incubated at 15oC showed 5% muscle shortening. As shown in Table 1, in contrast with result in thaw shortening, cook shortening were significantly declined as the thawing temperature increased. The cook shortening of the sample thawed at 18oC had the lowest (5.64%) and control showed the highest cook shortening (p<0.05). The
cook shortenings of the samples thawed at 2 and -2oC were 8.65 and 13.1%, respectively.

참고 자료

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Effects of Thawing Temperature on the Physicochemical and Sensory Properties of Frozen Pre-Rigor Beef Muscle
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