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면도날 (The Razor's Edge)

검색어 입력폼
윌리엄 서머셋 모옴
책소개 삶의 위대함을 넘어서는 고귀한 여정!자신만의 길을 개척하는 한 젊은이의 여정을 그린 소설『면도날』. '인간의 굴레에서', '달과 6펜스'와 함께 서머싯 몸의 3대 장편소설 중 하나로 꼽힌다. 1930년대 유럽을 배경으로, 험난한 구도의 길을 선택한 젊은이를 통해 삶에 대한 질문을 던진다. 작가는 '구원'이라는...
  • 면도날 영문독후감
    면도날 영문독후감
    In the book, there are people who had questions about faith and values in life and beliefs of people after two world wars. Accordingly, I think about my reason for living. Firstly, I want to have a little happiness as achieving small goals. Secondly, I want to be happy with the people around me. First, as making small goals and achieving, I want to feel a little happiness. Larry Darell who is a character in the book tried to get an answer in a whole his life about ' After people died, if there is nothing and death is just end, what is the reason for living?'.
    독후감/창작| 2018.08.06| 1 페이지| 2,000원| 조회(78)
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